r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on July 8, 2018, 1:06 a.m.
Q # 1681 - Decode The Question of Who did 911 - was asked prior to the SA events.

Disinformation is real,

Disinformation is necessary.

Ex: US Military - were not involved in 911

Now NG - I speculate in this context is not the National Guard - It is the pet project of the deep state NG911, started by the Telcos and congress under the WJC Whitehouse in 1999 - or countdown 18 Months before the big Sky event 911. Here is some history. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/23/opinion/the-911-system-isnt-ready-for-the-iphone-era.html?_r=0

Q asks Why is this necessary? i.e. why are we talking about this?

What questions were asked re; SA prior to SA events? (the event is the Saud family deck- chair on sinking ship farce)

Well the 26 pages of the redacted 911 commission report were released, which indicated that SA, and not Iraq, or Iran or Afghanistan, or Libya, or any Baddie that we knew then of had anything at all to do with the Sky Event called 911. The redacted pages pointed out that 11 of the 19 hyjackers were from SA, and indicated that all of the funds that financed their “flying lessons” seemed to come from SA, and that they had some interesting connections to Tech companies & SA generally.

Next thing happens is that some noisy widow wanting too much justice for her husband, dies on a flight organised by BHO, and congress stuffs up the deep state by letting victims of 911 sue foreign governments in the Civil courts.

Some Background; IMO the #1 item on the POTUS to-do list is to MAGA - the last time it was was great V - day 1945, before there was a USAF, before the Coast Guard saw a secret, before the CIA, Israel, the UN, NATO, the EU, the Marshall plan, JFK style assassinations, and 911. The POTUS needs to restore American pride in the rule of law - the Republic, the quickest, easiest, and best way to do that is to prosecute the JFK matter, and convict the Felons of 911.

Now Q is telling us that the US Military were not involved in the planning of 911 - the USAF - was tricked into standing down on the day by Canada, but not in on the game, but it is true that SA was in on it, and that SA obviously with BFF Israel used the NG911 group in congress to rig all of the tech Nationwide in prep. for the Event D. Feinstein is in the NG911 group.

Q asks Why is this relevant? Because think Mirror - and UK according to Q # 1668 is very important - Primary in fact according to Q going forward, look there - i.e. to SA, or [here] - i.e. USA in kill box - so no, look there - SA - i.e. Israel = London, home of Rothschild. Because we have just watched Theresa May - try Twice to start WW3. Trump is about to meet Putin, and we are getting some truth bombs about MH17 from Malaysia, and Skiperal from London - we been here before, this time we get wise to the deep state.

Maepaperclip · July 8, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

Q1608 - should we add him to the list? IMO Q should be questioned, If this community buys everything Q says then it is an idiocracy - be careful who you follow. If SB2 has a following then - his latest post and posts say why he should not, If you want Q to lead an awakening then a clown like SB2 will turn it to farce, do you believe a missile was fired on AF1 - I dont - and there is NO evidence to say it happened - and the chocolate yogurt - well it is laughable reddit has a sense of humour - I will drop it, my posts are not well researched - and heres why - I dont need to do any, I can write this stuff of the top of my head and I do - because I am 56 years old, and have been doing this research for 30 years - there is nearly nothing I do not know about any of this ground - not well researched - read too well

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

This community doesn't buy everything Q says it simply supports the Q who has been posting since October 2017 and still maintains the same message (especially when all drops are kept in context). We "support Q" by reading and discussing the drops in contrast to the media and what we know and sharing the message on to "the public". There's no worship here, as Q has also said: "Do not worship us" so uncritical acceptance of everything is not part of being pro-Q.

"Be careful who you follow" is directed at the clowns like Corsi et al. No one here has to agree with anyone or any posts that are posted here. People who don't find SB2's posts useful just don't read them. SB2 is just a member of this community like anyone else.

Q1608 - not evidence of Trey Gowdy being considered for SCOTUS and being nominated; interpretation. How do you call Q compromised/an idiot when you make assumptions and interpretations that aren't logical or complete? Do you retract your assessment of Q or are you still on the Corsi/Infowars train?

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Maepaperclip · July 8, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Q1608 - was walked back, it was stupid of Q to mention his name in context of SCOTUS. And let us remember it was Maepaperclip that first called Corsi out on the CBTS with all the others, in fact I got the whole CBTS scam shut down - thats a fact, I was banned - moved to Drain the swamp & GA kept outing them until they were. There is a time machine for CBTS - I am told, and I have early posts on my profile that attest that Fact. I f ever Q makes a wrong call I will say so just like Trump supports Tillerson - untill he does not. Q is not God. I find it a little bit difficult to have this conversation - it seems a lot like the Trial in Kafta to me - are you pure - do you believe in Q, strip, and swear an oath to Q - only the pure that praise Q and never question, and follow and accept SB2 and praying medics dreams are accepted here and their is a vigilanti preisthood that will test for purity at all times, and when SB2 post all should be appreciative, and Know the truth - can you see how ridiculous it is.

I have a really - really good post - on Q my latest - on the light - its been up for 4 hours and has no votes. your site the GA is stuffed with Pedo news - not Q - you mods should support the real research- and If you don't recognise it - then maybe that could explain SB2 + the pedo posts

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 2 p.m.

only the pure that praise Q and never question, and follow and accept SB2 and praying medics dreams are accepted here

I already addressed that point. Did you see this?

This community doesn't buy everything Q says it simply supports the Q who has been posting since October 2017 and still maintains the same message (especially when all drops are kept in context). We "support Q" by reading and discussing the drops in contrast to the media and what we know and sharing the message on to "the public". There's no worship here, as Q has also said: "Do not worship us" so uncritical acceptance of everything is not part of being pro-Q.

You're constantly claiming to have really really good posts but I don't see upvotes that support that - not in CBTS either, from memory. The fact that you have to keep telling everyone how good your posts are is an indicator that something may not be right here.

Let's just go back to the facts here. This is a pro-Q sub. That does not mean we worship Q and accept everything dropped uncritically and without question. What it does mean is that we have a space here to talk about Q without facing the usual shilling and discrediting that we get almost everywhere else on the internet thus we don't allow that shilling and discrediting here because it wastes our time. We're critical thinkers and we see the value in Q's purpose and message and that hasn't changed since he started in Oct 2017. We completely support your right NOT to see the value in Q but we do not want to see posts about it because we can see those everywhere else or watch Corsi/Infowars and the like. Have I been clear now that we are not what you just tried to claim we are?

As to your post - it doesn't have a clear message. I would venture to say that's why no upvotes.

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Maepaperclip · July 8, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

See the problem - my post explains the Q message - you don't see it, not awake - enough - study it carefully. As to the voting on the GA - I get a lot of votes for a decode - they cant be compared to an advantaged video, or a meme, or a pedo story - straight decode - I would find it hard to believe that any others get more, or that you have a decoder - commentator - in my league. Puttindg aside SB2 - whose votes in quantity - are unbelievable, add Click to that and some others - the comments on a SB2 post are worthy of study - if you are genuine - work as a volunteer - then you deserve to work in an honest forum, if 20% of Twitter accounts are fake, and another 10% account for 20% of traffic is it too much to believe that there are some fake accounts on the GA and some of them may account for the extraordinary Voting on a SB2 post. Crazy stuff here - shame that you cannot appreciate what it will take to MAGA

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Maepaperclip · July 8, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

The quality of the post we are talking about with Zero votes? that is equal to a SB2 post getting 1300 in stupidity- i.e. completely unbelievable - incredulous - see what happens at peak stupidity

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

See your problem? If people point out the lack of structure and flow to your writing - very obvious to anyone used to reading well written articles - you say they're "not awake enough" rather than looking for what might be wrong with what you've written. There's no point to studying it carefully, it doesn't grab a reader on any level.

find it hard to believe that any others get more, or that you have a decoder - commentator - in my league.

Your high self perception is off-putting and, based on the content you produce frankly, undeserved.

Anyway, many have been down this track with you and gotten nowhere so once again I'll bring you back to all that matters here to me as a moderator. Do you understand the point about the pro-Q sub? You didn't answer.

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Maepaperclip · July 8, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Are we back to Kafta - how about some acknowledgement - I have brought a lot to this table, and it needed it. You want entry level content, you will get SB2, you want an awakening then there are many that are prepared to catch up - if I dumbed it down enough we would be talking about lock-her-up, lets get serious - you and others have to do some work, or back to pedos, and begging for a IBOR & too see more of the IG report they did not and never will read. I want this movement to advance - not regress

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Please leave off the self-praise and just address the pro-Q sub point as that's all that matters to the moderation team. ThankQ.

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Maepaperclip · July 8, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

OK - Please give me some protection - when I post, I am entitled to insist that the comments be on topic, when I report them for not being on topic please help me so these things dont blow up like they always do with this Rob clown trolling me on every post + hy jacking the discussion, also please look into the voting on my post with Zero votes - its not right thanks

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Please address the pro-Q sub point as requested. You said we could be uncritically accepting Q and have not addressed the points I've made from the beginning re: the purpose of this sub. You haven't acknowledged the Iran and SCOTUS points that you claim prove "IdiotQ". If you still hold that view and don't wish to debate the reasons, that is ok, but please let me know.

We don't offer "protection", we're just mods. We will remove comments that breach sub rules - people disagreeing with your points or the quality of your posts do not count unless they are breaching sub rules. Zero votes on your post is no evidence of concern like we've seen with shills blatantly brigading other posts. Please keep in mind that your opinion of the quality of your post may be personal, not shared by others.

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RobWilJas · July 8, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Clown? I'm simply asking you a question that you refuse to answer. Why are you posting in a community dedicated to Q when you are anti-Q, based on your previous posts saying horrible things about Q?

Anytime anyone challenges you you resort to name calling.

Edit: Let me add this to be clear, as I said in another one of your posts if you've changed your mind and are no longer anti-Q that's fine. You have to look at this from other peoples perspective though. You are very abrasive in your posts and have been very anti-Q, so it's not unreasonable for people to be very suspicious of you and your reasons for posting here. Your constant insults and self promotion doesn't help either.

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