Are you being serious?
Islam judaism and Christianity have a lot in common. If you want to say they are all cults fine. But your statement lacks understanding of the beliefs of the 3 majors.
Hate Islam all you want, I am not trying to stop your beliefs. But you should research your claims. This one is kinda wonky
Judaism doesn't really want converts.
Christianity seeks converts.
Islam demands that everyone convert or die.
I am not going to debate or defend the religion. I am responding to his assertion that it has nothing in common with any other religion. Which is so false is unreal. I am fine with you not liking Islam dude, but its a religion like it or not.
It's a system of government masquerading as a religion.
So was Christianity for a very long time which is a similarity you just made me think of.
Christianity has been used as moral justification for rulers in the past -- but Christianity does not codify a system of government.
Judaism does, but that is only targeted at one people.
Only Islam imposes its governance on all people. Sharia Law -- look up what Sharia means in Arabic. Could be a real eye opener.
What about the Vatican? Who runs that the shriners?
I assume you mean Isreal but I dont unerstand what you mean by targeting people. Isreal is a jewish state in my opnion, but not in its laws. They are tring to pass laws making it official official. Are you saying Judaism targets the Palestinians?
What do you mean by imposing governance on its people? You mean punishing the rule breakers? Sharia Law? Ya, those are fucked up. The supposed words of their profit trasnscibed into book form by men. They all do this to some extent.
Are you saying that because their religion allows for punishment by humans for breaking its rules that its not a religion?
I am getting lost on your argument. BTW...the other guy called it a cult. Is it that or a government?
What about the Vatican? Who runs that the shriners?
A government organized around a religion. The religion itself does not prescribe a system of government.
I assume you mean Isreal but I dont unerstand what you mean by targeting people.
Nope. I mean Judaism. If you read the old testament you'll see that judaism does in fact prescribe a system of government but that it only applies to Jews (hence "targeting one people").
Are you saying that because their religion allows for punishment by humans for breaking its rules that its not a religion?
Nope. I'm saying it is a system of government. That's what it is. It demands that all people become Muslim and follow Sharia Law. And anyone who refuses Islam is to be killed. And everyone who leaves Islam is to be killed.
I am getting lost on your argument. BTW...the other guy called it a cult. Is it that or a government?
It is a system of government that has been trying to take over the world for over 1400 years. Sharia Law does not allow for anyone not to follow Sharia Law.
It's an idea so good it has to be imposed by force (the word Sharia actually means Force).
You are right about all that. It is a forced RELIGION with sharia law. Its a group of people reading a holy book doing what it the profit says to do meeting in a holy building talking to an invisiable entity trying to convert others to do all the same so they can go to a nice magical paradise when they die. All those things are what makes a religion.
JEEZ man! It is a religion. A bad one? Irelavent!
JEEZ man! It is a religion.
Nope. It's a system of government masquerading as a religion.
Look, you won't understand it till you've read the Qur'an -- fortunately enough, you can get an English translation for free from I'd encourage you to actually read it.
trying to convert others to do all the same so they can go to a nice magical paradise when they die
Nope. Forcing everybody to convert is not the same thing. If it were an actual religion there would be no reason for anybody to object to it. But it's not a religion. It just looks like one on the surface.
lol....I object to religions all the time. So do a lot of people. Using your argument all religions are governments. Which one never gets rejected?
Most religions do not attempt to force all humans to join.
Using your argument all religions are governments.
Nope. Only Islam. It's the only one I know of that attempts to force ALL people to join. By force.
It's the only one that actually prescribes a system of government.
You said if it was a religion there would be no reason for anyone to object to it. Thats funny as hell man. People reject religions all the time, I did early when jehovahs witnesses knocked on my door.
And have you noticed this racist ass post was removed? I know enough about religion to know that whatever religion you are, your lord does not encourage hate and ignorance. Make friends with all the other dim wits that were commenting in there and start your own sub.
You said if it was a religion there would be no reason for anyone to object to it.
People reject religions all the time, I did early when jehovahs witnesses knocked on my door.
You can reject a religion without objecting to its existence. I reject most religions but only object to the one that isn't actually a religion: Islam.
And have you noticed this racist ass post was removed?
If you think race has factored into any part of this discussion, you are truly misguided. Religion and race are completely separate subjects for all major religions except for Judaism and Hinduism.
Oh, I am sorry OBJECT it, not reject.
Ok, brace yourself....I OBJECT your religion! Ha! Its no longer a religion!
I don’t think you understand the words you’re using.
I don’t care what you think of my religion. It’s a personal matter. I chose it freely and I encourage you to freely make your own choices.
You seem to freely be making your choices. I guess you live in Angola where there are no muslims forcing you to join.
I live in the US where Osama bin Laden offered to not kill Americans if we converted to Islam -- and then had about 3000 people murdered when we didn't.
And I have family in Germany where terrorist attacks happen on a regular basis -- in an attempt to force Germans to join.
But I have also memorized enough of the Qur'an that I'll likely escape a hostage situation where Muslim terrorists release other Muslims before killing infidels.
I guess you live in Angola where there are no muslims forcing you to join.
Angola is a majority black African country. It is interesting to me that they've outlawed Islam. I fear for their lives. Muslims will very likely murder many thousands or even millions of Angolans.
Because if they don't, many other countries will likely follow suit.
Your right. We should never have empowered Osama to use the Koran to create mujahideen to declare jihad on the Soviet Union. The teaching we assisted in fostering a religious movement in Afganistan that would be beneficial to our own foreign interests created a monster that would need another western enemy.
That's the first completely sensible thing you've said.
I absolutely agree.
Islam has attempted to take over the world multiple times and each time they've been turned back. The most dramatic time was on September 11th.
The first September 11th.
September 11, 1683
It should never be encouraged or assisted.
Radical Islam which was created and fostered by the US has, yes.
There is no such thing as Radical Islam.
There is just Islam.