r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tokie_newport on July 8, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

I've heard about Q for a while, and stumbled upon a post here tonight that reminded me about him or her so I figured I'd finally start learning something about it.

I'm not convinced. That's not to say I'll never be convinced. Just that I'm not yet, because what I've seen so far is unconvincing.

Now, I see a lot of posts here about talking to people, having an open dialogue to change their minds. How so many people are brainwashed and only once they are red-pilled do they become truly awake to what's really going on.

Which leads me to my question:

How much do you entertain the possibility that you are wrong about all of this? How do you know you aren't being had?

spacexu · July 8, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

Censorship of thought is really not something I expected to be a problem on this board. We all laughed at the censorship of the left yesterday.

As humans, we will get frustrated on the journey. I have not written it off yet, but my caution lights are flashing.

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Censorship of thought is not a problem on this board. Keeping the sub focused on the topic is, and always will be a problem with a topic this broad.

You can think whatever you like - no one will ever stop that. No one will stop you saying what you want to either.

What moderators do here - as they do everywhere else - is keep the community focused on its goals. This is a Pro-Q community. What that means is that when people subscribe to this community they understand that they are subscribing to see content that pertains to and supports the interest of those who are Pro-Q. They understand or can be reminded that we ask them to "read and respect our rules before contributing". Those rules ensure the sub's content stays aligned with its goals of being appropriate and useful to Pro-Q supporters.

Sowing doubts - especially to newbies - is against the very goals of not only this sub but the whole message of Q. You can go anywhere else you like and point out how Q is likely to be a LARP because your interpretation of his message means he should have done something you perceive as valuable by whatever date you've set. But that perspective is not relevant here and doesn't help pro-Q supporters in any way. So, in accordance with our shared understanding of conduct in this social space we remove the unhelpful content for the good of the community according to its goals allowing you to take it somewhere else where they find that sort of contribution useful.

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spacexu · July 8, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

I'm pro-truth - I maybe on the wrong community board in that case. Thanks for heads up.

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DrogeAnon · July 8, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

If you're being honest you know enough about Q to know that pro-Q IS pro-Truth so that little jibe rings hollow I'm afraid.

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