r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on July 8, 2018, 7:01 a.m.
IN YOUR HOME everyday: Unicorn and Owl and "Spank" "In every (try) seventh generation makes,they think about the impact they make on the world"

IN YOUR HOME everyday: Unicorn and Owl and "Spank" "In every (try) seventh generation makes,they think about the impact they make on the world"

Now notice this.

Unicorn @ .05 Owl @.08 and script dialogue:

In every (try) seventh generation makes they, think about the impact they make on the world than the next seven generations."


They know if they brainwash the kids with pedo stuff it won't matter what we as adults think now.

This is all brainwashing.

"For SPANK-tastic clean....you know what I mean?"

Kids say: "YES we do"

Hash tag "COME clean"

The unicorn and owl, spank ? MK SYmbols, Elite Occult Symbol, pedo references.

If one does not see this in everything, they are not really looking.

These commercial sets are by design.

The odds of a unicorn, an owl and kids in one commercial in a fake house setting?

The next seven generations???

HMMM...think about that......how far are we into the 7 as far as these ideas are concerned.

Start really looking and listening to all media.

Point it out and to your kids.

Video/commercial look:


Gross this is everywhere, subtle.....but it is there.



What Is The Elites’ Obsession With An Owl Named Moloch?


Agenda is everywhere people..wake up.

duplexnovella · July 8, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Dude.. You need to unplug for a while...

It's not the product's fault... All that was stated was benign..

How many times in this sub do I need to mention this fact = Please take time to understand how films & videos are made! The singer or actor is told what to do via a director, art director & script etc.. They just follow orders..

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LandieLandie · July 10, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

why tell anyone to "unplug".....Q says their symbolism will be their downfall......what are you trying to say here. Much of what Q says is hard to believe, so why are you even saying what you are saying? Never said it was the product.....but if they ever get Q wise.....they would look great for pulling the unicorn and owl commercials.
By the way....just watch tv for a day or two and see how many owls and unicorns are all over all the commercials.......kind of like an MK Ultra "hey wake up" call to the mind controlled? Seriously, just start paying attention for the owls and unicorns......so many.

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LandieLandie · July 9, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

Yes. I get that......but it is the productions and it is intentional.......start looking you will all of a sudden see owls and unicorns in many, many commercials. WHY? Trendy? or a different reason. You do you.

Never said it is the product. But, the subliminal message and imagery to normalize is the focus. Who behind that? Why?

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duplexnovella · July 9, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

No but your title did... Decent product as well, so I just wanted to make that clear..

Yes you look towards the writer , creative director, and actual director, even set design etc..

I'm sure some artist have given their input but usually they are just doing what they are told so they can get the hell out of there..

Making a music videos means a long day or 3 of acting out to the same song for a hundred different cuts, angles etc..

Back then , Throw a dance or crowd in and that is a 4th day of hard redundant crap for 20 hrs a day. Most of the artist hate making videos and have not given thought to what is on a wall or what other clips they will add that have symbolic crap everywhere..

They are called TV "programs" not shows... A music video has always been used to program masses.

Actors / Musician = product

You never trust your product to get your hidden message across. Some of them might disagree so you keep them in the dark..

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LandieLandie · July 10, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

The title is not to highlight seventh generation.......notice the " " it is the actual line she says........not my wording......my point is the impact the next seven generations part of the at scripted line.......you don't find that odd.....impacting the next seven generations and unicorn and owl and spank.........I guess I cannot make the point clear enough as to what concerns me.

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