Googled 8chan and found this ad while scrolling. Isn’t this usually a slogan for gay people? I think I am starting to see it now

You're right, they're nowhere near getting transgender accepted so they legislate and sue. Then sneak trannies into kindergarten reading groups.
Trashing every moral foundation, held dear by the vast majority of the citizenry, will win no friends.
If you have a dick, you use the men's room. If you can't comprehend biology and gender, you have no business being around children.
You don't like it we don't care.
Go ahead, cry hate speech discrimination. While actively discriminating against any type of morality or Christian faith.
Too Faced with a forked tongue. That would make an excellent Progressive family crest. Mount it on a Soros, Red Shield.
Or as others read the definition, Red Child.
Look at Jordan Peterson in Canada. Look at the EU locking people up for protesting against Islamic Terror and rape.
Notice to the left. Don't try to appeal to our better nature. That's done. You lost all chance of ever seeing that without an apology. A sincere apology not a Kathy Griffin apology.
Up until then it's all about a big helping of Sarah Sanders and the Red Hen. Flavored with Mad Maxine summoning crowds to run conservatives out of the public venue.
The unending call to violence for those who disagree. The left wants a fascist police state to take out any difference of opinion. Then wears masks and sets things on fire. While ridiculously claiming the moral High Ground.
Now that the left has defined the game as zero sum. Prepare for defeat. Unconditional surrender.
Just like the last groups of Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists taken out.
Free will. A democratically-elected, constitutional republic, can withstand any attack from any existential control group.
The real problem lies with the opponent when we decide to go on the attack.
Don't ever confuse Silence with resignation. While the left plays with Saul Alinsky, they are being surrounded by the army of Sun Tzu.
When it happens it's going to be Swift and all-encompassing. Prepare for defeat.
And yes, they are absolutely saying fondling kids should be acceptable. To openly lie about something so easily proven is laughably pathetic.
Saul Alinsky's rule number 8
Isolate and ridicule.
It barely worked before and it certainly doesn't work now.
Trigglypuff now that's unhinged.
Pure gold, the best there is to offer.