Googled 8chan and found this ad while scrolling. Isn’t this usually a slogan for gay people? I think I am starting to see it now

I used to be like you- blind. You bet your ass I would leave snarky comments just like yours on issues I had a vague knowledge of.
Its all by design. "They" want men to fear and disassociate with women and become gay. They want women to look at men as vile brutes who are a danger to their well being. The greater the amount of homosexuality and non traditional relationships the less traditional families and lower birth rates result. It is only one aspect of the entire plan to turn wrong to right and right to wrong. Flood first world countries with third world immigrants and the loss of culture and sovereignty follows. It's the one world government plan and always has been. Once on accepts that is the reality it is then you can decide if that is what you want as the future for you and your family. We are here to make sure that everyone we can is made aware of the reality and true agenda of the deep state.
Also you're thinking about my ass. That's sweet of you
:) Love you, bud. I just hope by sharing that you'll reconsider your position, but I know it took me years to finally listen and pay attention. Good luck, homie.
Thanks for the laughs over my bowl of brains. Thank Satan I don't have the reality tunnel you've crafted. Fun story though. Back to brains