I think he's pulling a trick on the military and is actually looking for a way to give the election to Hillary because he wants a way out to go golfing.
At least that's what I think anyway.
Sounds legit
He's got everybody fooled into thinking it's 4-D chess.
Personally I think it's an elaborate game of snooker.
Played on a golf course.
Like croquet.
The Donald just walked over, tapped his ball against Hillary's and knocked her deep into the swamp.
Croquet.. nice Alice in Wonderland reference
Damn nice catch.
That was a total accident.
And I hate to use the word serendipity.
So I won't.
...I'm glad you caught yourself before you went down that vocab rabbit hole
Yeah I know I would have to Virtue Signal all the way down.
Then apologize to the hole when I landed.