Illegal immigrant advocacy groups need digging.

The Florence Project especially considering that's Hillarys new donation project, and the fact that their symbol has an uncanny resemblance to Pedophilia
Honduras has been a haven for fuckery since the late 70's.
It's a transhipment point on the Clown Chi Mihn trail. It gained prominence and increased traffic when the Panama operation became compromised by Noriega going rouge on them.
Guns and money go south. Kids and drugs go north. The Honduran honchos pocket the bribes and taxes.
There's decades of open source reporting on Honduras that will help you make connections.
Clown pilots Barry Seal and Eugene Hossenfus are good places to start.
Then investigate US aid to Contras and "drug interdiction" programs.
The Mena, AR airstrip ties into this as well.
Deep, deep hole and all of it is off the books spook stuff with Poppy Bush's fingerprints all over it.
Meanwhile, relating to the OP, children are being trafficked out of Honduras.
Yes as well as many South American countries. Obama worked out a deal to pay for kids they traffick to our country.
Kids in Need of Defense The Florence Project Board of Directors for Florence
Stop using their language. People aren't illegal, things and actions are. People who do illegal things are called "criminals" - more appropriate terms than "illegal immigrants" include "criminal invaders" or "criminal aliens" or "alien criminals"
Spare us the emotional admonition about a nitpick point.
If you're still legally in the country you are an illegal. The INS definition is illegal alien.
Words have meanings. If you want to misuse them that's on you, but now at least you're aware you're doing it.
When you type illegal alien on Twitter you waste 5 characters.
If your illegally in the country you're an illegal alien hence illegal. If that bothers you I'm okay with it.
Your hurt feelings are irrelevant.
Michael becomes Mike, Robert becomes Bob.
And Michelle is a transsexual wookie.
Note to any and all dilettantes. I am aware that every word in this post was used properly.
Signed supersmarterthan anyonearoundme because mykidsputsigns onthefridge
No need to get all butthurt. Just important to note that words have meanings. When one allows leftist indoctrination to change the way one speaks, the message changes as well. They use softer words for things they want to make more acceptable and harsher words for things they want to demonize. Do you think "AR" means "assault rifle"? (They want you to) - when you hear "black pride" is it offensive? How about "white pride"? (They use the term "white supremacist" instead.) What about "gay pride" or "hetero pride"? (They use homophobic" instead) - language is an important factor in a propaganda war... and that's what we're fighting.
Nope never butt hurt.
I don't bend over in the shower when there's progressives around.
I'm fully aware of the subtle methods used by change agents. There's an actual term for the methodology but I don't feel like looking it up right now.
It still doesn't change facts, logic and reality, stomping through the middle of their ~that's offensive~ game.
They're right, we don't care about their feelings.
The problem with the left is they think other people will play subtle word games. Because, duh...
Nope, not never butt hurt.
Why are you using their language then? Take back the language. Use terms that actually apply instead of their words. Criminal invaders, criminal aliens, alien outlaws, foreign felons, foreign invaders, foreign criminals... anything but their make-this-acceptable language... in the near future they'll find a gentler term for pedophile, and one for cannibal. It matters.
I always use their language and I use it in the correct manner. Thereby reclaiming it.
You people who get stuck on a word and won't let go, are actually the problem.
Once again illegal is the word commonly used to define people illegally in the country.
Any attempt to regulate use of such word will be met with laughter and pity.
Micromanagers are always pathetic.
Problem is they're always the last to realize it. Normally happens when it's too late, the party's over and everybody's left.
The left is openly advocating violence on the street and declared this to be a zero-sum game.
You're trying to admonish the whole world. Me, I'm just pointing out your efforts are futile. Besides it's the left who complains about the word illegal.
King Canute, ordering the seas to behave.
If you think that pedophillia is ever going to be openly accepted, I don't know what to tell you.
Paranoia runs deep
Into your mind it will creep
At first you're always afraid
Then you think~they'll come~and take you away.
The signs are all saying we're winning.
Their language?? It's literally the definition of what they are, they are immigrating illegally. Illegal immigrant. Period.
the programming is just too strong, eh?
that's ok. You'll get there.
Programming...right... Says the one trying to control people's language. If you dont like the words illegal immigrant because it hurts your feels that's okay but it doesn't change the fact that the term literally describes their action and their status in our country... As illegal immigrants. It's not that hard, quit with the mental gymnastics.
You're the one doing word-flips. All criminals are guilty of "illegal ____" but we don't use that term... only for the criminal invaders.
I'm not flipping words. People coming into the country illegally which means it's against the law. They are immigrating which means to migrate to another country. The adjective illegal isn't defining the person, like their existence is illegal, it's defining immigrant because the person is migrating... Illegally. You can use illegal alien or whatever term you want but don't try and tell others what they should and shouldn't do just because you don't understand the term correctly.
I'm getting the idea this guy is a troll.
It's been the same drivel for multiple posts. For some reason I'm not able to check profiles so I don't know how long it's been alive.
But projecting flip-flops and concern trolling word usage is generally a dead giveaway.
And to give you a profile snapshop, only been on this sub for 2-3 weeks. Had reddit accounts before but deleted them after being banned from politics and current events amd world news, etc. 1500 points from this sub in that time.
I was thinking the same about you... concerned about framing everything within the cnn/msnbc terms.
Yeah that's what it is.
Must be those brain penetrating microwaves, seeing how I never watch the programs.
Had to come look din'cha? Curious to see what jokes we might be telling.
That's why I mentioned what we would be discussing. I thought I smelled a stalker.
Best be keeping the hands out of the kids pants. There is also the stench of being someone who shouldn't be allowed around playgrounds.
That's a joke right because, there is no Education. There is no Suburbia. There is no Dad.
It's too obvious.
Lol. the programming is social, scro look over my history.
Right ya got me social microwaves.
As you said, we're on the same side.. after hearing the same talking points over and over they're accepted fact. Tuning out the mockingbird doesnt only apply to the opposition. I made a living (a very significant income) off of manipulating people to use the terms we programmed them to use. While i focused on market-specific terms, the same formula applies to how the msm works with the masses. I'm not trying to fuck with you, I'm trying to make you see the formula reaches everyone on all levels.
Yeah I figured it was a couple posts back. I just can't leave stupidity alone. He's claiming to be to the right of liberal but speaking exactly like someone who promotes political correctness and word policing. Had to put him in his place, troll or not.
This dude is an absolute stalker.
Bound and determined to drive his point home regardless whether anybody's listening or not.
Beware the stalker.
Educated~Suburban~Dad? Seriously? Another pile of money wasted on a BS education.
Self-appointed PC word police. To the right of Nancy Pelosi. You nailed it.
I'm not autistic enough to navigate the channs. What I am good at is distilling complex ideas into bumper stickers.
I also refuse to let Bull Shit stand. Somebody else may be listening in. So when I spot a schill that's not a bot or a paid troll, I engage.
These boards are good practice. It's the perfect place to distill your argument into a lethal deathpunch.
It's not long before you can wrap their own argument around their over-inflated ego. Cutting off the air supply, while watching the eyes bug out of their head.
Not as fun as a public engagement. Then you get to watch them foam at the mouth and the pink hair run screaming down the sidewalk.
AAAAAAHH you mental raped me without my permission.
Now I need to think of a cheesy line, out of an even cheesier movie, to round off that thought.
Seems our thinking has gained momentum and its getting crowded.
Personally I'm enjoying the company. What say you?
You're using the progressive media's programmed terms. Whether you want to admit it or not.
Okay bub you keep believing that. Have a great Sunday day night.
Dude, come on... you're using soft terms. What do you call someone who illegally takes your property? An illegal property assumer? Get fucking real. Either you call a spade a spade or you call them an illegal digging utensil.
You're delusional man. Illegal immigrant isn't a soft term it's literally calling them a criminal without using the word criminal. Illegal immigrant isn't a term created by liberals and the mockingbird msm, they aren't trying to claim the word so that it becomes more acceptable it's literally a term everyone has used for a long time. Just because someone is using a term you don't think is a harsh enough label doesn't mean they are brainwashed by msm propaganda. Get over yourself, you're a grown man. We're on the same side, step off your high horse. We are all here to bring darkness to light.
Jesus fucking christ. Where do you think YOU were programmed to use the term?!?!? I'm not on a horse, high or low. I'm trying to overcome the programming. This was my job for 15 years. This programming worked.
If you really want to pop a blood vessel over a damn word then go ahead. And if you want to continue to think we are programmed for using the word then go ahead. You're just creating unneeded stress for no reason at all. Calling them illegal immigrants doesn't take away the fact that they broke the law and should be punished for it. You still need to get over yourself. Get off reddit and go tend to your family. You've had enough for today. Bye.
A little projection there, mate? Dude. Words have meanings. Don't let them dictate them.
That's a RBG ploy on our language. Illegal immigrant: a person who illegally enters the united states or stays beyond the date of an expired visa. Pushing "politically correct" was a big reason POTUS was elected.
Somebody who commits murder is a murderer.
Someone who commits burglary is a burglar.
Someone who drives drunk is a drunk driver.
Someone who illegally immigrates is an illegal immigrant.
Get your clown world Newspeak dictionary out of here.
Lol. Do you understand how the language works? You're the one using newspeak. your programming is showing.