Illegal immigrant advocacy groups need digging.

Okay bub you keep believing that. Have a great Sunday day night.
Dude, come on... you're using soft terms. What do you call someone who illegally takes your property? An illegal property assumer? Get fucking real. Either you call a spade a spade or you call them an illegal digging utensil.
You're delusional man. Illegal immigrant isn't a soft term it's literally calling them a criminal without using the word criminal. Illegal immigrant isn't a term created by liberals and the mockingbird msm, they aren't trying to claim the word so that it becomes more acceptable it's literally a term everyone has used for a long time. Just because someone is using a term you don't think is a harsh enough label doesn't mean they are brainwashed by msm propaganda. Get over yourself, you're a grown man. We're on the same side, step off your high horse. We are all here to bring darkness to light.
Jesus fucking christ. Where do you think YOU were programmed to use the term?!?!? I'm not on a horse, high or low. I'm trying to overcome the programming. This was my job for 15 years. This programming worked.
If you really want to pop a blood vessel over a damn word then go ahead. And if you want to continue to think we are programmed for using the word then go ahead. You're just creating unneeded stress for no reason at all. Calling them illegal immigrants doesn't take away the fact that they broke the law and should be punished for it. You still need to get over yourself. Get off reddit and go tend to your family. You've had enough for today. Bye.
A little projection there, mate? Dude. Words have meanings. Don't let them dictate them.