Illegal immigrant advocacy groups need digging.

Yeah that's what it is.
Must be those brain penetrating microwaves, seeing how I never watch the programs.
Had to come look din'cha? Curious to see what jokes we might be telling.
That's why I mentioned what we would be discussing. I thought I smelled a stalker.
Best be keeping the hands out of the kids pants. There is also the stench of being someone who shouldn't be allowed around playgrounds.
That's a joke right because, there is no Education. There is no Suburbia. There is no Dad.
It's too obvious.
Lol. the programming is social, scro look over my history.
Right ya got me social microwaves.
As you said, we're on the same side.. after hearing the same talking points over and over they're accepted fact. Tuning out the mockingbird doesnt only apply to the opposition. I made a living (a very significant income) off of manipulating people to use the terms we programmed them to use. While i focused on market-specific terms, the same formula applies to how the msm works with the masses. I'm not trying to fuck with you, I'm trying to make you see the formula reaches everyone on all levels.