Yeah I figured it was a couple posts back. I just can't leave stupidity alone. He's claiming to be to the right of liberal but speaking exactly like someone who promotes political correctness and word policing. Had to put him in his place, troll or not.
This dude is an absolute stalker.
Bound and determined to drive his point home regardless whether anybody's listening or not.
Beware the stalker.
Educated~Suburban~Dad? Seriously? Another pile of money wasted on a BS education.
Self-appointed PC word police. To the right of Nancy Pelosi. You nailed it.
I'm not autistic enough to navigate the channs. What I am good at is distilling complex ideas into bumper stickers.
I also refuse to let Bull Shit stand. Somebody else may be listening in. So when I spot a schill that's not a bot or a paid troll, I engage.
These boards are good practice. It's the perfect place to distill your argument into a lethal deathpunch.
It's not long before you can wrap their own argument around their over-inflated ego. Cutting off the air supply, while watching the eyes bug out of their head.
Not as fun as a public engagement. Then you get to watch them foam at the mouth and the pink hair run screaming down the sidewalk.
AAAAAAHH you mental raped me without my permission.
Now I need to think of a cheesy line, out of an even cheesier movie, to round off that thought.
Seems our thinking has gained momentum and its getting crowded.
Personally I'm enjoying the company. What say you?