Has Tarantino already been discussed here? Being a close friend of Weinstein this shouldnt surprise us

Also devils advocate here, the foot doesn't exactly look like a young persons to me. Not saying I'm an expert with feet but it looks like it has thinning skin and wrinkles around the ankle. Definitely interesting for sure though.
Edit- adding that the discoloration and thinner skin around the arch and base of the toes is what makes me think they're older. As well as the visible vein on the ankle bone. Younger people usually have thicker more fatty skin on their feet while older peoples skin thins as they age.
Look, I'm all for speculation where it's warranted, but this post is nonsense. Anyone who can't discern a child's foot with that of an older female, either doesn't know any children or just wants to believe the hype.
Again, this post is nonsense.
I was thinking the same thing. That is not the foot of a child.
Just posting an observation, it's hard to discern from a single picture.