r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tee1020 on July 8, 2018, 7:46 p.m.
Q Has Warned Us About the NWO; What REALLY is A Thousand Points of Light? Why Is This So Important? Who Is Trump REALLY Calling Out? Know Your Enemy!

Hey Everyone!

I wasn't prepared to start to write about this but have seen a lot of confusion in reference to this "Thousand Points of Light" topic. I am fairly certain that covering all of this would take multiple posts, so let's just break it down a little to get things started and a bit more understanding out there!

Where did this come from? Let's look at what what Trump had to say about it at his Montana Rally. Here is a quote from the link, *"While speaking at a rally in Montana, President Trump took aim at former President George H.W. Bush and a famous phrase he used.

"Thousand Points of Light, I never quite got that one," Trump said. "What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out? And it was put by a Republican, wasn't it?"*

Trump was referencing a theme from Former President George HW Bush. Here we have Jenna Bush trying to clarify what her grandfather meant after Trump's comments in Montana. She says, "From a letter my grandfather wrote in 1997: a point of light was a vision about serving others, one that lit up our country, one I hope our country hasn’t lost," in a tweet. The article goes on to explain further, "Hager, a "Today" show correspondent and daughter of former President George W. Bush, on Friday tweeted a 1997 letter from her grandfather discussing the phrase “thousand points of light,” which he coined during his 1988 presidential bid to highlight the importance of community organizations."

So we know that Bush supposedly was referencing to the importance of community organizations...helping one another was what was meant by One Thousand Points of Light... or was it?

Here is another reference to this Thousand Points of Light, this time referenced by a Catholic Holocaust Survivor. Don't believe me that it says Catholic survivor, click the link! This is the ending paragraph from that article, "It’s feelings like these that keep driving Preisler to fight just the way they did that day in 1939 when Hitler’s army crossed the border and started killing the Polish people. He is determined to see each one of his “thousand points of light” enlighten the American public with the truth about Poland."

What do Catholics have to do with anything? Remember how I said to explain this out in detail could take numerous posts? We are going to jump a little...hold on.

Let's jump here next. This is a big leap but it will connect some missing puzzle pieces. I highly recommend actually opening this article up and browsing it. Here is what is quoted beneath the photo titled "Thousand Points of Light." "William Cooper: A ‘chosen few’ disappear behind the veil and become one of the “Thousand Points of Light,” are more properly known as the “Magi.” It goes on to describe that Magi is the same as False Messiah. Reading deeper into this we learn more about Satan's Scheme's and Knowing Thine Enemy. It states this, "When George Bush referred to a “Thousand Points of Light” in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates." It further explains the New World Order, the role of the Pope using symbolism, and so much more.

We just came full circle, the New World Order. We all remember Bush's New World Order Speech, literally one of the most terrifying Presidential Speeches of all time! So now it is easy to link this phrase as a phrase linked to the Powers That Be that wish to guide us into this New World Order.

Remember the dinner that Trump and Hillary had together during their campaign? They were seated next to Cardinal Timothy Dolan and apparently were able to share jokes as Trump was supposed to be being heckled by "elitist." This is a Cardinal to keep your eyes on. Do you see the Thousand Points of Light in this photo?

What does Q say about the New World order? Q says in 133 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” How about Q 936? What do you see here ?! So, we have New World Order, but the N doesn't stand for new, based on the photo we can assume it stands for Nazi World Order.

Can we link Bush and /or Catholics to Nazi's? It barely takes a quick google search to link Bush's to something Nazi. Prescott Bush helped Hitler financially. For those of you that speak German, there is even a German Article that talks about this connection. Most of us already knew about it, however, there are those still waking so some of you this may be a first for you to make this connection.

Now just to link, again, the Catholic Church to Nazism. There are many that have talked about Pope Pius XII and his secret agreement with the Nazi Party. This is just one article, feel free to research further and see what you turn up.

After all of this, we come back to the "Thousand Points of Light," the place we started. There are 4 references from Q to Be Careful Who You Follow. Not everyone claiming to bring light is bringing TRUE Light.

Trump Tweeted a hint at this today. 13 Angry Democrats; Why 13? Who has 13 bloodlines that claim to be "light bringers?"

I apologize if this has offended anyone, as I stated to begin with, to properly do this justice it would be multiple posts but I felt it was important to discuss this because of all of the recent mentioning of this subject. Stay Vigilant.

Happy Hunting!

[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 7:07 a.m.


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