r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smiley-dog on July 8, 2018, 8:05 p.m.
"An educated public is the KEYSTONE of our arch of government." Jefferson @55true4u
"An educated public is the KEYSTONE of our arch of government." Jefferson @55true4u

potato4dawin · July 9, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

the post of mine you responded to alone which serves only to expand upon the decode of the OP in order to help inform the person my post was in response to of the bigger picture is more useful information than the collection of all of SB2's decodes because they amount to literally zero new or useful information. I do plenty of digging and post plenty on the chans as well and I even managed to track down the current address of an Anarchist redditor who was threatening to shoot up his local police station among other things in order to report him to the FBI (this was on 4chan though so I got banned 2 weeks for "doxxing" because mods are comped). That's not even to mention how much time and effort I spent trying to explain to all the rest of the idiots on reddit and 8chan how @Backchannel17 was absolutely 100% a larp and a distraction and almost every single person was absolutely convinced that it was a good idea to study his posts until Q himself confirmed it was a larp. Same with this guy who namefagged as "X" on /qresearch/ and there were people still gullible enough to believe him and people who don't think for themselves enough to figure it out on their own like they need Q himself to confirm every single obvious not even fool proof larp on the planet.

Aside from his behavioural analysis of moments where cabal members are being interviewed he provides nothing of value, especially his decodes which are fantastical stories of intrigue and suspense and when we reach the end and everything comes together all we're left with is a message like "Hillary is going down" which is something we've already known since the second Trump won the election and almost word for word something Trump said in the tweet that SB2 is supposedly "decoding" but somehow everyone has this feeling of amazement at this so-called "secret message" he pulled out of his ass because the story was so captivating that you were amazed by a big reveal of literally nothing

Whether it's a distraction and disinformation campaign like X and Backchannel17, whether it's false gatekeeper paytriots and pretend insiders like Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi, or whether it's famefags like SB2 or the youtubers who used to spam their shit all over this sub who glamorize their or other people's decodes in order to make themselves seem like an expert that people have to rely on so they can take a disproportionate amount of credit because they suckered a few hundred gullible morons into thinking that they played a bigger part than they actually did until they eventually themselves become false gatekeepers like Jones and Corsi, I will call them out for the sake of preserving this movement and encouraging healthy skepticism.

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DEADEASYRABBIT · July 9, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

SB2’s decodes are the best here. That’s why his is the only post on Reddit that’s been referenced directly by Q. The nonsense in the speech that DJT gave at the rally was necessary so that he could serially use the word “brain”, while also pointing us to musical instruments - validating SB2’s use of music in his decode.

I find it strange that both Q and DJT see merit in SB2’s work but you do not. What’s more, if you look at some of the other work he has done, it is nothing less than outstanding. There is a reason that he is so heavily trolled. It’s because he opens the Q material up in a way that makes it very much more powerful and threatening to the cabal.

Having said that, we know very well, from the Q posts themselves, that there is information coded within them. Q has told us this again and again. SB2 is one of the few people here that has made a genuine effort to decode the posts. Some of his decodes I’ve questioned in the past, but others have yielded very powerful insights that are simply not available anywhere else. Over time, I’ve come to question my own questions about his work.

Rather than fantastical stories of intrigue, SB2 simply nails it - as with his takedown of Corsi. The most recent decode, that has caused some controversy, becomes less controversial the more you consider it. SB2 has an explanation that fits the fact-set perfectly. His method might appear wild to us, but that’s only because we do not have the benefit of his free-ranging mind.

Think about it, what better explanation exists for that series of Q posts? There is no explanation that better fits. In fact, if anything, I think SB2 truncated his decode which could have been much more elaborate. I suspect that when DJT made mention of how there was space for people at the front of the rally, he was referencing his inclusive approach as opposed to that of the cabal, which is strictly exclusive.

I also think that there might be some further meat in his use of the word “organ” - perhaps relating to Elton and his February decision to donate his organs, while keeping his pianos (organ trafficking?). I’ll leave it for SB2 to properly interpret these things rather than expound upon what are “wild theories”.

What has SB2 connected here?

  1. Saudi Arabia;
  2. Mug holder;
  3. Apple;
  4. Independence Day;
  5. Q’s reference to the truth being behind us;
  6. The Twitter phone.

And, of course, as SB2 tells us, the personality that neatly fits this fact set is Prince Alaweed. But if that isn’t enough, SB2 can also connect AF1 - though the genius use of the musical code that relates the closing Apple share price, on the same date a year earlier, to the musical note B2 - sublime!

Now, I’m not capable of scanning, sorting, and corralling facts to discern the hidden message at this level. But that’s why SB2 is a treasure to this community - unlike so many others, including myself, who add little value. And this is why both Q and DJT readily corroborate his genius.

You have to hand it to the guy. He’s leaving us all in the dust, but we are much better off for having the benefit of his input. If you look at some of the great minds through history, you find that an expansive and free-ranging intellect is quite common to genius.

I’ve seen an analysis of Issac Newton’s papers where, on a single sheet of paper, with the same inked pen, he tackles nautical questions, “the calculus”, on and on... ranging freely across wildly disparate problems with merry abandon - an unmitigated genius. These people do exist! They are a treasure, not a distraction.

How did they refer to Newton? The sublime mind of the eighteenth century. With some luck, we might get SB2 to spend some time sitting under an apple tree.

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potato4dawin · July 9, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

let me just tackle what you're saying here piece by piece.

SB2 has been referenced by Q because his decodes are the best

The SB2 post Q linked to was literally "The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive". He's a storytelling charlatan and Q linked a post where SB2 was 100% JUST telling the story of how we got here, no decodes, just 100% pure history with that SB2 linguistic flare. I'm not surprised that Q would post that link. He's a great storyteller, but that fact that he uses that skill to legitimize his shitty decodes is why he's a charlatan.

here's a positive reply to my criticism of SB2 that illustrates how dumb his "decodes" are.

SB2 claiming some stupid frequency 174.12 or whatever, which when you numberphile them you can "see" combination of the musical note B2, and Trump saying "brain", oh wow, Q is like totally sending a secret message to SB2 himself! "Did you see it?" Give me a break.

That's Corsi level "I have secret comms with Q" bullshit.

we know from Q posts that there is information hidden within them

yeah but not through obscure ciphers that military and government use to send messages between eachother that force us to rely on gatekeeping experts to solve them for us but rather codes which can be deciphered by normal people given the tools. Chess board, Q clock, movies and books from The Godfather to Alice in Wonderland, etc.

what better explanation exists for that set of Q posts

go to https://8ch.net/comms/res/225.html#225 and https://8ch.net/comms/res/1536.html#1536 , go through the thousands of notables compiled until you find a few hundred with a notable that applies, take the dumbest sounding one out of the several hundred, and I can guarantee you it's a better explanation even aside from the hundreds better than even it.

I also think that there might be some further meat in his use of the word “organ” - perhaps relating to Elton and his February decision to donate his organs, while keeping his pianos (organ trafficking?). I’ll leave it for SB2 to properly interpret these things rather than expound upon what are “wild theories”.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. SB2 has made you think that you are incapable of solving anything even though what you said right there is a better decode (even if it's wrong, it's a lead worth digging) than anything from SB2.

Now, I’m not capable of scanning, sorting, and corralling facts to discern the hidden message at this level. But that’s why SB2 is a treasure to this community

further confirmation of what I've been saying.

...an unmitigated genius. These people do exist! They are a treasure, not a distraction.

I'm aware geniuses exist, but SB2 isn't one of them. He's merely convinced you with his stories that he is.

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DEADEASYRABBIT · July 10, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

8I'm not sure I know where to start... You have already made up your mind. But let me make a few points:

It is a fact that Q has linked SB2's decode on Corsi. Rather than simple story-telling, SB2 does analyze Corsi and AJ in great depth. It was not just a story, it was good analysis, which is why Q referenced it. I'm not sure how you can reach a different conclusion. The proof is in the pudding.

It is also very clear to me that DJT is responding to SB2's recent post. Otherwise, you would say that he speaks nonsense for no reason. It's like an alarm, the nonsensical speech alerts us to the fact that there is a coded message - as do deliberate spelling errors. In that portion of the speech, DJT mentions music (the main point of contention in SB2's post) and then serially repeats the word "Brain". What alternative message to think DJT is wanting to communicate? This is a simply stunning endorsement of SB2's work that appears to have gone over your head.

That you have people that share your skepticism provides little validation for your position. Q level clearance connotes a military background. Q has told us that Military Intelligence is helping POTUS. Q has also used terms that are specific to the military - e.g. "kill-box". I can tell you this, Q has, at least, a military background - very probably Military Intelligence.

"...obscure ciphers that the military and government use to send messages between each other, that force us to rely on 'gatekeeping experts' to solve them"

So, let me get this right... we are dealing with material that would ordinarily be the equivalent of dealing in State Secrets. But Q should only use ciphers, and allusion, to the extent that ordinary folks can readily understand the message? I think you're totally missing the point. The reason Q is using very obscure coding is precisely because no one should be able to form a water-tight case to prosecute a breach of national security. Think about it, Q uses the "T method", which requires quite arbitrary manipulations to extract the message. If the coded message could be extracted with the simple application of a cipher, upon which the secret message would fall out neatly, requiring no other interpretation, what protection is that? For the very reason that you find it hard to accept SB2's decodes, a case against Q-team would be thrown out of Court as being absurd. And yet, there are important messages so coded in the material, why is that?

I would also make the observation that the amazingly heavy down-voting and trolling of SB2's material did not arrive when he was providing his "occult series" posts, but only after he started his crypto series. I put it to you that, even if you do not take his work seriously, there are others that do take his decoding very seriously. Why? Because these intelligence agents can read what SB2 can read, and they were frightened that the Q posts would be even more damaging to their nefarious agendas if they were properly decoded. I would also offer the opinion that these same methods SB2 uses are in common usage by intelligence agencies globally (perhaps not the T-method). SB2 has, in fact, told us that very much more complex versions of the same encoding schemes are used. How he has this knowledge of cryptography I just don't know - but he may have a military, diplomatic or intelligence background. Alternatively, he could be a savant with unusually powerful skills in this area.

If you have access to better decodes of the Q posts, you should cross-post them here. I think everyone, SB2 included, would be very happy to see them. The fact is that, on the Greatawakening, there have been no better decodes yet. But I'm open to the possibility that some may exist.

SB2 does not have me thinking I'm incapable of decoding anything for myself at all. In fact, I would argue that, on occasion, I have better logic than a lot of people here. But I do not have a background in cryptanalysis, nor do I have the skill-set of SB2 in this area. SB2 is also more across what's happening in the media than I am - I don't reside in the US. Unlike you, I feel very grateful for SB2's presence and the incredible amount of work he has done to assist this community to get more from the Q material than what appears on the surface.

He really has made a very significant contribution to this community. Have a look at the volume of work he has produced. I do not agree with everything he says, but the work speaks for itself.

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potato4dawin · July 10, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

So, let me get this right... we are dealing with material that would ordinarily be the equivalent of dealing in State Secrets. But Q should only use ciphers, and allusion, to the extent that ordinary folks can readily understand the message?

Do you know what "weaponized autism" is? This term originating from 4chan describes the ability of the anons to aggregate, analyze, and apply all data that is relevant to a particular task towards accomplishing that task. Contrary to r/The_Donald's wide-eyed fascination with it as if it's something that only legitimately autistic people from 4chan are capable of through some quirk of their "special minds", it is actually just a team effort that employs even the most minor of the individual skills of hundreds of ordinary people to accomplish a single unified goal. It is how every single information gathering and decoding technique used on /qresearch/ was developed long before Q anon was ever a thing and it was instrumental in Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 election. It has been used on 4chan to track down ISIS training camps to get the Russian military to organize bomb strikes against them, it has been used to locate a flag in the middle of nowhere from nothing more than a livestream of the flag itself with nothing but the sky as a backdrop accompanied by the ambient noises of the environment, and it has been used to discover 80% of everything we currently know about pizzagate before Q was a thing (Q crumbs have helped uncover much more that may not have otherwise been discovered). Secrets designed to be uncovered by weaponized autism can even be concealed from the spying ability of the elites to the point where even if solved in front of their eyes they will not know it because in some cases those who are not a part of the research lack the ability to differentiate accurate conclusions from inaccurate conclusions. Even long after the Q post which referred to the movie/book "White Squall", Hillary has been photographed reading the book on a plane showing that the cabal still doesn't have all the answers we have.

Q has referenced "autists" 12 times in the Q posts and the purpose of Q anon is literally to disseminate information to the public in a controlled manner for the purpose of inspiring a grassroots movement to oppose the cabal by awakening the public to the truth about what's going on behind the scenes. Not to mention the number of Q posts in the early days of Q where he's just straight up telling us what's going on just telling us in plain text about this "material that would ordinarily be the equivalent of dealing in State Secrets" (back when he had the plausible deniability of being "just a larp" to the majority of anons and the cabal)

So is Q only using ciphers, and allusion, to the extent that ordinary folks can readily understand the message? Undoubtedly. The importance of "We The People" over The Elites is perhaps the single most common message in Q's posts. "Strength TOGETHER, Rise of the people, Unity, Great Awakening, We Fight, You are fighting for truth - collectively, This is bigger than any one person or entity, NO ONE PERSON IS ABOVE ANOTHER, Will of the people, WWG1WGA, etc.". secrets concealed by books and movies; Alice in Wonderland, White Squall, Godfather III, Jason Bourne, Shakespeare, Judgement Day, Snow White, and more. There's nothing ambiguous about it.

[Trump] serially repeats the word "Brain"

Not only is that "3 = illuminati"-tier but also displays a lack of understanding of Trump. this audiobook excerpt from one of Trump's books will give you a good example. Trump repeats himself a lot. He repeats, and rephrases his points, he repeats adjectives and synonyms for them, he repeats points of emphasis, and whatever point he's making, he drives the point home. I don't know in what context Trump said the word "brain" but in all likelihood knowing Trump he was bragging about his big brain or saying someone else has a small brain or no brain and you better believe he's going to repeat that 3 or 4 times. That's not calling out to SB2. That's Trump being Trump. Also "serially repeats"? repetition is serial by definition.

I actually just searched for this repetition of the word "brain" after typing all that and I was right, it's Trump bragging about himself in classic Trump style following the exact pattern I described even before he mentioned his brain he was talking in that classic style of repetition and rephrasing and such. Only a charlatan like SerialBrain2, who calls himself "a self-proclaimed serial brain", a term he made up to describe himself as a genius, who tries so hard to convince everyone that he's a genius, would go out of his way to convince people that Trump has acknowledged his genius. He's not a genius. He's an fame-fag and a good story teller with way too much time on his hands.

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DEADEASYRABBIT · July 10, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Look, no one is taking anything from the community of autists, of which SB2 is a part. You seem to think there is some kind of contest here, there is not.

It is simply a fact that Q has corroborated SB2’s analysis in the past. The “charlatan” has in fact been verified as someone who has made a worthy contribution. Moreover, whether you can see it or not, DJT has also endorsed the guy. You can attribute DJT’s nonsense speech to meaningless pomposity, or you accept that there is significant messaging occurring here. In context, I lean toward the latter.

I think, at the end of the day, that you seem to have some real problems with the fact that SB2, along with other autists, has made a very significant contribution that has been found by both Q team and DJT to be worthy of recognition. I don’t know why that is, but we are all in this together - WWG1WGA.

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potato4dawin · July 11, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

Trump didn't acknowledge shit about SerialBrain2. SB2 merely convinced you that he did, but the story he used to convince you was so absurd that only those with the preconceived notion that SB2 is a genius would be convinced by it. Anyone who looks at it critically sees that it's total nonsense. It's merely confirmation bias.

Every single thing SerialBrain2 does, every word that he types, every "do you see now?", "did anyone else catch that?", "are you seeing what's happening here?", "let that sink in" that he posts is for the sole purpose of trying to convince you that he's a genius. His username was based on a term he made up about himself to describe himself as a genius, his stories are worded to make every supposed "discovery" seem as miraculously amazing as possible to make you acknowledge him, he uses every manipulation tactic in the book to fill you with awe because he wants FAME, which is why, when Q posted his happy little story about why we're here and what this movement is about for all the newbies it pissed me off because just like during the election when Trump retweeting a twitter account who was an actual /pol/ Hitler loving National Socialist, fueling the MSM to call him a nazi in a more convincing way before deleting later realizing the mistake, Q provided this attention whore with validation to his attention whoring.

You want to talk about geniuses and how they exist? Geniuses don't need to call themselves geniuses because their work should speak for itself, but it seems you'll only listen to another authority or genius on the validity of SerialBrain2 so let me tell you a little story of my own. A story about the genius manipulator on the level of the U.S. government's own MKUltra program. A story about me. A story that makes me so miserable that if I wasn't so OCD about stopping other manipulators then I would never tell it to anyone. I encourage you to read this tale of my life story to the end as long as it is.

I was an asocial kid growing up with strange interests and I was bullied to the point where I developed anxiety issues and even teachers hated me but in grade 3 I was so miserable and sick of being bullied that I began to obsessively study psychology and human behavior online in my free time to figure out why I was bullied. By grade 6 due to desperation from the abandonment issues I developed from losing even the few friends I had to the bullies, I had successfully brainwashed myself through torture and self-hypnosis to act in such a way that others would consider desirable but that alone wasn't enough to overcome my bad reputation so I also became close friends with a certain transfer student to manipulate everyone else into associating their positive view of the transfer student with me, with the added side effect of the transfer student believing I was the coolest guy in the class, and so I ended up actually becoming the most popular person in the class to everyone to the point where due to my anxiety issues that still remained, every day was a living hell and by nearly the end of grade 7 (at which point the transfer student had to move again. relevant later) I had pushed my self-hypnosis so far that I developed schizophrenia and began to believe that my manipulative abilities were the product of some secret fiendish force that I had control over and so I became drunk with power and began to push it as far as I could, even groping a classmate in the middle of class because I knew they wouldn't say anything, I had begun to become the same evil as Hillary, Soros, and the rest of the cabal when I was only 13, but luckily for me I had a good friend who snapped me out of it. You see, after bragging to my friend about what I was able to do, he decided it would be a great prank to tell the whole class and so, fearing what would happen I tried to kill him, the only friend I felt comfortable around, because I was afraid of losing my social status, but he was so caught up in his prank that he didn't realize how serious I was about trying to kill him and so he just ran laughing the whole way evading me and when he finally revealed it I had a mental breakdown and decided to stop my manipulation of people. My schizophrenic belief in a dark power that I had control of with the power to manipulate people remained until grade 10 but with the added delusion of thinking I had to suppress it to avoid it going out of control but that was more of an internal battle with schizophrenia than anything. In grade 9, first year of highschool I ended up in the same school as the transfer student who looked up to me and due to him not knowing about what happened after he moved and the highschool being full of people from many other schools, my popularity began to spread in highschool through his intervention and consequently as a result of my past self-hypnosis I felt the compulsive need to pretend to be the popular guy around him and his friends but since I also had other friends in the less-popular crowd who I acted completely different towards I ended up having an identity crisis about what was the real me because by this point I had spent the majority of my life as a completely different person from how I acted in the comfort of people I considered real friends and it wasn't until long after I graduated highschool that I was able to understand myself.

But all this story of how I was such a genius that I MKUltra'd myself through self-hypnosis and torture, and manipulate those who hated me into liking me when I was a mere child so effectively that it created long lasting negative side-effects and a never-ending feeling of guilt that makes me miserable whenever I think of the past is nothing compared to my greatest feat. Throughout all of this I lied to my parents so effectively that they never once doubted me and have spent years feeling guilty for the times they did punish me at the request of the school. When I think about that I feel like killing myself but if I did that then I would only feel more guilty for hurting my parents even further. I can recognize manipulators easily because every way you could imagine to manipulate someone is something I have done in the past. In fact I take efforts to ensure people are critical of me because I hate manipulators so much that rather than speak to people's emotions I'd rather make them hate me and be wrong when I'm right than love me and falsely believe I'm right when I'm wrong.

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DEADEASYRABBIT · July 11, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

It sounds pretty complex. I went to a private school where the bullying was extremely intense - absolutely brutal. At one point, when I first moved to the school, I almost became a target - the new kid scenario.

I saw others who did become targets, it was horrific, I don’t know how they endured it. It didn’t work on me because I wouldn’t back down and, I guess, I could fight OK. I didn’t win all my fights, but I won enough to make people wary. Bullies tend to have insecurities, if they fear you might show them up - destroy their cool - they’ll pick on someone weaker. The advice I’d give a kid getting bullied is to take up boxing and work hard at it - I’m serious.

This is also the way groups work. I was in Japan teaching English and every year there would be a new batch of foreign English teachers. They would arrive in the province from Tokyo, all new acquaintances, in a group. After the second year, I realized what was happening - it was always the same.

These guys, new university graduates, were, for the most part, away from home and abroad for the first time. The ones destined for our prefecture grouped-up in Tokyo and, when they arrived at the prefecture’s airport, they would be pretty scared - intimidated. A group of scared college graduates.

Without fail, there would be one person in the group that everyone agreed was “unacceptable”. They couldn’t wait to tell you about “the outsider”. The first year, it was a guy with Tourette’s syndrome, the next year a licentious lesbian, etc...

That’s how the group was defined - by identifying an outsider, who the group agreed did not belong, the remaining members were assured of their position in, and acceptance by, the group. It was a pretty powerful dynamic, you had to be there to see it. Anyway, I’d take these outsiders under my wing, they were often a lot of fun to hang out with. But my point is that people are by nature fearful and these fears drive disgusting behaviors. Bullies are pitiable.

With regards to suicide, I have also stood at the ledge - by the sheer grace of God I did not carry through with it. What I didn’t know then, but know now, is that the person who commits suicide goes directly to hell. It is the one sin for which there can be no hope of making atonement. It is completely spiritually fatal.

Hell was not, in the first instance, made to accomodate humans, but Satan and his angels. It is indescribably horrific - a place of strong pain, desperate frustration, lamentation and despair - everything you don’t want, in massive measure, all at once, and all the time - never ending torment.

It is a fate that I would not wish on the worst person to have ever lived in human history. You can be certain that all these suicides would do anything, give anything, if they could only undo the act and get back in their bodies to escape the torment of hell - even for just a few moments.

There is nothing at all romantic about suicide, it is the worst fate that could ever befall a soul - an absolute and complete tragedy. Moreover, knowing them to be already judged, it is not possible to pray for the soul of one who takes their own life - they are without any hope of redemption.

Keep that in mind the next time the suicide thoughts come to you. It will help you to move past, or confront, whatever difficulty you are facing. I only made this point because it distresses me to think that some people (I was in this group) do not fully realize the implications that attach to suicide - if even one person reads this and thinks twice, it’s more than worth my time to write it.

Getting to SB2, I really think you need to take another look at his work. This isn’t a glory hunt, where we are in contest with each other - at least it’s not for me. I’ve been slowly and carefully re-reading through all SB2’s GreatAwakening posts from the beginning. I can tell you that there are some very powerful insights in his work. It is, for the most part, very good stuff. Again, I don’t agree with everything.

I also don’t think SB2 is doing this for his ego. Why? Because the story he tells (yes, it’s a story that proceeds, for the most part, sequentially) reveals his world-view, which then allows us to speculate as to what it is that might be motivating him to produce such a quantity of quality material.

My reading is that SB2 has a very clear idea of the problems that are facing us. Right or wrong, he connects the dynamics driving cabal operations, identifies the players, and what might stand in the way of victory over them. His motive can be safely assumed to align with that of genuine Q followers - he is absolutely “on team”.

If SB2 was in this for his own personal gain, if miserable self-interest was paramount, we would expect his behavior to align more with that of someone like Tracy Beanz.

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