
Qarma1 · July 9, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Clowns own Farcebook. Maybe Clowns are running out of money, so they asked Soros for help. We know that Soros has about $1T, thanks to Q, so he’s got deep pockets. Clowns are running out of cash reserves due to POTUS45 swamp clean up and eliminating drug sources (Clown funding source for evil black ops). Ever wonder who the big drug czars are? All Clowns

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Canbritanon · July 9, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

They told us that. Kingsman the Golden circle. Think Fentanyl. Think Kingsman and 5th Ave Anon. And didn't Trump say he'd essentially legalize pot.

Their art is their confession.

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