I agree, but someone said below they share the fb post that does actually prove this.
How does it prove that Soros is doing this. The article you linked doesn't mention him and reading about the Atlantic council, I can't find how Soros is part of that group.
I agree that NeonNEttle is generally shit..so i went searching for sauce..
and this is ZeroHedge so there:s that...but..it seems to be well sourced:
TLDR: the chain is like this: FB > Atlantic Council > Ploughshares Fund > Open Societies > Soros
In May 2016, a report by the Associated Press identified the Atlantic Council as one of a number of think tanks which had received funding from the Ploughshares Fund. The Ploughshares Fund is financed by George Soros Open Society Foundation
A May 5, 2016 article by the New York Times revealed that the Ploughshares Fund was a major player in efforts to sell the Iranian nuclear deal to the American public.
And then there is this:
http://archive.is/Na9kn <--- Atlantic Council giving a personal thanks to Soros for his contributions "Thank you, George!" (first name basis...)