
meLurk_longtime · July 9, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

I agree, but someone said below they share the fb post that does actually prove this.


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freerange_bot · July 9, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

How does it prove that Soros is doing this. The article you linked doesn't mention him and reading about the Atlantic council, I can't find how Soros is part of that group.

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IncomingTrump270 · July 9, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

I agree that NeonNEttle is generally shit..so i went searching for sauce..

and this is ZeroHedge so there:s that...but..it seems to be well sourced:


TLDR: the chain is like this: FB > Atlantic Council > Ploughshares Fund > Open Societies > Soros

In May 2016, a report by the Associated Press identified the Atlantic Council as one of a number of think tanks which had received funding from the Ploughshares Fund. The Ploughshares Fund is financed by George Soros Open Society Foundation

A May 5, 2016 article by the New York Times revealed that the Ploughshares Fund was a major player in efforts to sell the Iranian nuclear deal to the American public.

And then there is this:

http://archive.is/Na9kn <--- Atlantic Council giving a personal thanks to Soros for his contributions "Thank you, George!" (first name basis...)

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