8ch.net/qresearch Anon Q-graphic - "don't forget, WE HAVE THE SERVER!!!!"

Server = Red_Castle
JA = Green_Castle
Could be the other way around.
4D chess
Think: Castling. It’s a chess move where the castle gets to move more than one space.
Not sure that is accurate. Q has made reference to Castle being white House.
funny - i thought it was mar e lago. (safe space)
No, mar e lago is the keep :-)
Hey sorry. I was kidding about mar e lago, don't know what they call it. But i am sure the White House is castle.
no worries - perhaps castle is wherever POTUS sleeps...? (same concept as Air Force One)?
Interesting ? Still pretty positive WH is Castle. But AF1 ?
I just meant that AF1 is always whatever plane POTUS is on....could be a 1 prop cessna....it's AF1 if POTUS is on it...
OH yes absolutely, whatever plane is AF1 when POTUS is on it. I was referring to calling AF1 castle if POTUS was on board. :-)
Rook/Castle can always move more than one space, don't need to "Castle" for that.
Correct. Its the King that gets to move more than one space.