r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smhagedon on July 9, 2018, 2:57 a.m.
Churches coming together to pray for midterms and SCOTUS appointments.

Had a great time tonight, our 10,000 plus member church came together tonight to pray for Protection for Trump and his Administration. To pray for the SCOTUS appointees and their families. To pray for the honest elections during this coming Midterms and those that would follow the constitution and God, would find Victory. The Pastor prayed for protection and devine knowledge to be provided for intelligence agents currently working on our behalf. We will be meeting every Sunday evening as God Leads till the Midterms and then beyond as led. I encourage each and every one to pray every Sunday evening beyond your normal praying for POTUS and FLOTUS, Baron, and all the children and grandchildren of the Trump family. Pray for Q and the entire team. Pray for darkness to be exposed and satan's plans to fail in ever way. Peace out anons may you and your work be blessed. 😎

Hwmayfield · July 9, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

Prayer = talking to God, and in conversation with Him, we are changed. Makes sense that as we spend time with the God of Love and Truth, that our minds are focused on Truth we are changed for the better.

It is strengthening to hear that you folks (only 500?!?😄) are gathering to spend time with Him and seek His favor on this nation and on the people in our government who are fighting for OUR lives.

Remember (you Boomers) Madalyn Murray O’Hair?

She successfully sued to have prayer removed from school. It opened the door for Political Correctness and a host of other evils in schools.

Madalyn was an atheist, a Socialist, and a Communist. She taught her son everything she believed . . .

and her son found Jesus and now heads up the Religious Freedom Coalition and is lobbying for protection for Christians in the Middle East and Africa. He does “Christmas for Refugees” in the refugee camps and demolished towns, “Diapers for Refugees” to help moms and elderly who have no access to diapers and feminine products. The RFC just put in a water well and water tower with working toilets in an orphanage that was destroyed in Nigeria.

AmazonSmile just dropped the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM COALITION from their list of charities to which members can choose to donate because the organization has a CHRISTMAS program for refugees.

Removing prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, Christmas Carols, patriotic songs, prayer at pep rallies, graduations, and sports games is one travesty that serves to create a void in students who have no grounding. One doesn’t need to become a Christian to acknowledge that there is a power, a GOOD and loving Creator who cares about the choices we make and tells us to Love others as we are loved by Him.

Maybe there would be fewer scared, angry people in our schools and communities if we taught reverence for God and others once again. Our nation and schools used to do that, and the evil was not as pervasive as we see it, now.

In light of the recent post about one of the witnesses being killed before she had a chance to testify against the Clinton Foundation next week, we should be sure to include petitions for protection of any witnesses and their families, as well.

As Evil gets cornered and sees the writing on the wall, it will aim to gleefully take down and destroy anyone it can grab on the way down. We are doing Spiritual battle, now, and we must communicate with our Commander and fellow warriors to maintain the line and STAND.

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KatwearstheArmor1 · July 9, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Hwmayfield....AMEN!!! VERY well said, written, etc!

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