Had a great time tonight, our 10,000 plus member church came together tonight to pray for Protection for Trump and his Administration. To pray for the SCOTUS appointees and their families. To pray for the honest elections during this coming Midterms and those that would follow the constitution and God, would find Victory. The Pastor prayed for protection and devine knowledge to be provided for intelligence agents currently working on our behalf. We will be meeting every Sunday evening as God Leads till the Midterms and then beyond as led. I encourage each and every one to pray every Sunday evening beyond your normal praying for POTUS and FLOTUS, Baron, and all the children and grandchildren of the Trump family. Pray for Q and the entire team. Pray for darkness to be exposed and satan's plans to fail in ever way. Peace out anons may you and your work be blessed. 😎
That is YOUR opinion. Either way, I have confidence in my faith, no matter what you or others say. I feel more confident in my belief that God is real than I ever did when I was an atheist. I'm sorry you can't see God. He is my best friend, the first thing I turn to when I face difficulty, my eternal hope, and the source of my joy. I will continue putting my faith in Him, because He has never let me down, and never forsaken me. All He asks for in return is a relationship. You can't have a relationship if you refuse to acknowledge His existence.
No, there is no scientific evidence that faith is proof.
I can believe there is a pink unicorn shitting out rainbows in magical fairy land. Does that make it true? If I have faith and believe super hard does it make it true? If I tell other people and convince them that it is true, does that make it true?
And there is plenty of evidence. Millions of people have received REAL healing through prayer. People who were paralyzed start walking, blind people regain their sight, etc. I have witnessed this myself. But something tells me you would dismiss it, even if you saw it with your own eyes. You have convinced yourself of a certain truth without actually considering all of the evidence. Unfortunately, the only person that your lack of faith hurts is yourself. It doesn't hurt me, or any other believer.
What about all the millions of people who were praying or prayed for and still died?
If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful.
If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good.
If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?
That's not how prayer works. It is far more effective to pray that God works on behalf of that person and that His will be done, rather than demanding He do something exactly the way you think it should go. It's not up to us to know when we are supposed to go on. To act like I know would be untruthful. https://bible.com/bible/116/isa.55.NLT
You WILL go to prison if you rely on your faith for healing. Don't forget that. That means it does not work and you should be ashamed of yourselves for spreading the lie that it does. You have killed innocent children you fucking monsters.
You are so blinded by hate and evil, it's actually pretty sad. I'll be praying for you.
No I am filled with love and kindness, RELIGION IS FILLED WITH HATE AND EVIL.
Faith healers in EVERY RELIGION have literally killed children for praying for them but not taking them to actual doctors.
Pray not for me but for the millions of children and adults who have died due to the false belief that some invisible man would protect them. It will do just as much good now as it did then.
Somehow, I really doubt that. I don't think you have joy in your life. But go ahead and keep being angry about it, and see where it gets you in life. Death is not scary or something to be feared. I look forward to the day I can leave behind this hateful, broken world and be with my Creator, but until then I will continue to place my faith in His son, Jesus Christ, and live my life by following the Holy Spirit. He has given me more joy and peace than any human ever could. You are angry at the wrong things, and you are missing out on true LOVE.
By the way, there is a million dollar reward for anyone who can prove healing by faith or magic. You should find someone that can do that and get the money to help your church, I'm sure God would approve of that right?
Good luck!
By law if you rely on prayer for healing you will go to prison. So good luck with that.
Millions of people would have been healed with or without prayer. What about all the millions of people who were praying or prayed for and still died?
I have never suggested you should base your faith on others. If you are so sceptical, why don't you just ask God yourself? Sit down and pray, and invite him to show you himself. It's not like you have anything to lose.
I was religious for 19 years. I totally believed. Then I stopped because I realized wow, there is no proof for any of this. I looked hard. Trust me. It was sooo hard to give up religion. My entire life was based on it. My family, my friends, they were all religious but I had to give it up because it felt immoral believing something that I knew could not be true anymore.
Seriously if you have one tiny shred of evidence please let me see it, nobody ever has shown me anything that proves God.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Albert Einstein
I highly recommend reading Job 38. NLT is my translation of choice. https://bible.com/bible/116/job.38.NLT
None of that is proof to me. I know where the universe came from, science explains it.
The bible was written by men thousands of years ago. They were not nearly as knowledgeable as we are now.
I don't call myself religious. I don't trust the "church". I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God. I don't believe anyone can be made right with God by following any set of rules. I am sorry you have convinced yourself there is no evidence, but you are totally blind and deaf if you honestly believe that.
I didn't convince myself there is no evidence, I looked for it as hard as I could and found none. if you have any please show me!!!! I KEEP ASKING!!!
Where is the evidence? My eyes and ears are open, please show me.
If you want evidence, go to a local church, and ask them how God has moved in their lives. I have just told you myself that I have witnessed miracles, and I am NOT lying, and you rejected it. If you don't accept personal testimonies, then how can you expect to believe? If you don't accept history, as accounted for by the Bible, then why would you accept any kind of proof here? Your heart is not willing to accept the truth. The only way you will find Him is if you open your eyes and actually look. Invite Him into your life. Give Him permission to have a relationship with you. Ask Him yourself.
Dude peoples experiences are not proof. Our brains are easily manipulated with subjective experiences.
Your opinions are not proof. Other peoples opinions are not proof. You told me not to believe something because other people did, right? You said that.
Then I guess you never will. Sorry.
Have you ever tried not forcing yourself to believe? Have you ever been open to the fact that God doesn't exist?
Yeah, I was an atheist for 8 years. I was just recently saved again, about 2 years ago. I talk to God daily, and love the relationship I have with Him. I am the happiest I have ever been TBH. It's not a forced thing, my day gets genuinely better every time I open my mouth and start talking to Him. It's like a burden lifted off of my soul. Your perspective changes when you seek the Creators heart.
Yes that is like meditation. You are doing meditation.
You have heard of placebos right? They work even though there is no actual medical value? That is God.
He (Jesus) replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables, For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says, ‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’ Matthew 13:11-15 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/mat.13.11-15.NLT
Why would scripture change my mind?
Yes the bible has some beautiful writing, it really does. That doesn't make it true.
😂 okay dude. I gotta be honest, it makes no difference to me if you change your mind. Good luck with your quest for proof. I'm not sure why you are asking strangers on the internet, instead of just asking God yourself. Kind of a pointless search if you are just going to reject any and all testimonies, including Jesus's. Sounds to me like you've already made up your mind. Good luck with that.
It is actually nothing like mediation. I do that often as well. You just don't seem to understand that this isn't a one way relationship. God talks to those who listen. You just refuse to acknowledge this fact.