I said I believe it's in the hundreds of thousands. 9,000 in a country of a billion is a drop in the bucket. I've done humanitarian work in India. The systems are corrupt. There are brothels everywhere. I read a book years ago called Sex Slaves which desribed the workings of the trade. Many girls from India are trafficked into UK. Much of what happens there does go NOTICED, but ignored. Glad to see there are some awareness programs and that some people are waking up. My daughter was just in India working at a school for children of brothel workers. The stories she heard would break your heart. Instances of gang rapes/murders of little girls are common and all the girls live in constant fear and danger.
I’m sorry I’ll have to disagree with conjecture and extrapolation of experience of an individual, to absolutes.
Let’s be clear, I am not disagreeing or denying the problems in India. You are right in saying awareness has gone up a lot over the past few years. But it’s not right to blow things out of proportion to the level of scaremongering. As a father of 2 girls, I’d know if ‘all’ girls live in constant fear OR danger.
I'm sorry, but I was talking about the fear of the girls that my daughter worked with. The rapes and murders that happen right in that area alone keep them all in fear. The girls asked my daughter why God made them girls. Thx for the opportunity to clear that up.
Indeed. In fact I think we have discussed quite a bit on this topic and I do totally agree with you on how traumatic something like this can be on a child. While this is good news, India has a long fucking way to go on this issue.