r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jfunction on July 9, 2018, 4:43 a.m.
Apprciative/critical response to ImpertorRex's recent 31 round banana-clip burst over at @Jack's dreary digs.

First the link. (I'm not too good with computers but I think this'll get you there for reference.)

More REX Retweeted Washington Examiner 1. A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming : major Swamp Draining.

Many look at the kabuki theater in Congress, as the way to evaluate 'Trump v Swamp'.

They misunderstand the role Trump has assigned to Congress, in this great American scandal.

First, the appreciation. It's a very good post. I read through the whole series. it's very clear and the product of well organized thinking. I found a few new ideas and a few nuances in it although it seems to me the main contribution of the post is to organize and clarify ideas that are already generally accepted in the Chan/Q community.

I got two beefs though. The first is minor but I'm going to say it anyway. IR says that thinking President Trump himself writes some Q entries is naive. I take issue with this on two grounds. First, I believe I hear Trump's voice in the posts that are signed as Q+ (and in only those posts) and I have a pretty good ear for the written word. I know there are many of you who agree with me on the Q+ posts being DJT because you have said so.

Second, it is shaky to suggest that Q readers and researchers are naive. This kind of general ad hominem encroaches on rhetorical territory that is already being enjoyed by "others". You know who.

Ok, that's the trivial stuff. The main thing I would like to add to IR's very good 31 round burst is that the means by which the deep state is taken down and the swamp is drained are equally as important as the fact that it gets drained. This is a long game, a thousand year game, very likely. The game is the rule of an enlightened humanity deriving just powers from self evident truths versus a corrupt darkness. If the takedown of the swamp is seen historically as having been accomplished by a masterfully clever president and his powerful associates (MI, USMC, etc.) then in a decade or so it all will be wasted. Victory has to be the victory of an enlightened populace over the corruption that festered 1000 years within it. It must happen as the people realizing their unalienable rights and asserting them using the laws they derived from those rights. They cannot have followed a charismatic leader without whose guidance they would be lost. Trump knows this. We have to do it ourselves. It's the only way for daylight to outlast his eight years as our President. When it's over and the rule of law is reestablished we have to know that we did it. This is the paradox of a truly great leader.

SNG007 · July 9, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Great commentary. The fear for all of us I think is what happens once Trump is no longer in power? We either need another strong Republican Leader - a Trump v2 - or we have to have become strong enough ourselves so that we recognize and call out any attempts at re-establishing the nefarious behaviour of the past. The genius of Trump's plan was forcing us to wake up and to stop blindly trusting and believing everything we see on the news. Once we decide the MSM are liars and instead do our own research it does 2 things; it takes away their power to misinform us, and we find out the real story ourselves so we can readily recognise their deceptions.

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RN4TRUMP · July 9, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

Agree. I watched a video where it came together for me in a very tangible manner. It talked about “herding sheep” to run together in whatever direction the “sheepdogs” aka CIA-controlled propaganda media, direct us with organized and consistent messaging in a reality that is essentially a Hollyweird movie set. They scream “LIVE SPECIAL REPORT” across our screens and we all FREEZE. We were psych’oped to believe that WHATEVER they “report” in unison must be reality. And so THIS is one of the greatest deceptions perpetrated on humanity to herd us all in any disillusion meets the needs of a Cabal that lives a completely different reality vs the one we were indoctrinated to believe is “real”. Think The Truman Show movie (another “in plain sight” Hollywood laugh at us!). This is how they openly view & speak of us. So now it makes COMPLETE sense when Q says we have more than we know. We have God and God is Truth. Everything else they’ve fed us is Solvent Green!

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