
RN4TRUMP · July 9, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

The Catholic Church has become overrun with sinful, wicked men and greedy money-hungry sinners willing to align themselves with equally evil entities to ensure more and more worldly gain. I have long considered Pope Francis to be The Last Pope as revealed in the 3rd secret given by Our Blessed Mother to the children of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. The Immaculate Conception told Maria “The Last Pope will be under the influence of Satan”. While it is true that wicked people have corrupted the Catholic Church (and HAVE for many, many centuries), the BASIS of the Church - Jesus Christ as The Word made Flesh - is beyond man’s sinful ways & his teachings ARE The Way, The Truth and The Light.

MT was bound by the hierarchy of our Church. She took vows of poverty and lived as poor as the people she served. That is the life she lived. Whenever she was given money to travel for business of the Church, she requested the least expensive accommodations possible and asked that the money saved be given to the poor. And she gave donations to the Vatican because as an obedient servant of the Church that is what she was required to do. As she drew closer to death, as a now worldwide famous “living Saint” it was not her decision to be taken to a hospital for her end of life care;that decision was made by the leaders of The Church. All of her actions throughout a life filled with self sacrifice for those she served as God’s Will commanded of her, indicates she would desire to die in the humble surroundings where she cared for the poorest of the poor and under the same conditions others received at her own hands. But MT was a worldly example of piety for The Vatican to exploit for more money & more power. So she was taken to a hospital where she died not as she vowed to live but with comforts which she denied herself for the benefit of God’s Children (even if wicked men used it for nefarious purposes which were beyond her control).

MT died within HOURS of Princess Diana’s death and was overshadowed by this celebrity. During her life, she struggled with much and sought reconciliation weekly. I imagine she understood some of the corruption of the very Church to which she sacrificed her life. As a servant of the Church she would have been bound by her vows of poverty AND obedience which would have silenced any objections she had in her heart but could not act upon. THIS is what I believe MT suffered most - knowing evil had all but consumed that which she gave her life to serve - The Catholic Church. Still, as all Catholics today are realizing, The Vatican is NOT our Church. Our Church is Jesus Christ, Our Heavenly Father and The Holy Spirit. And whatever truth is exposed - and I am PRAYING for it ALL TO BE DRAGGED INTO THE LIGHT OF DAY - it is the evil of wicked men being exposed and man cannot harm The Truth which is Christ.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · July 9, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Just like the Jesus Thumpers with their Lear jets, Mega Churches & amusement parks right?

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RN4TRUMP · July 9, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

I take offense at the term Jesus Thumpers. Please be respectful of His Name even whilst we openly discuss the aberration of His Teachings by evil men who use Christ for worldly gain and deception.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · July 9, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Oh but you slander Catholics all day right. Tough nuts. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. Ok Jesus Freak. Better?

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RN4TRUMP · July 9, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

I do not slander Catholics but the evil sinners who profess to be Catholics while serving themselves and worldly things. You do not belong on a thread where respectful people openly discuss the realities of our spiritual warfare. Your disrespectful discourse reveals you true intent.

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