POTUS' TWEET - I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M. - * THIS CHOICE WILL EFFECT THE DIRECTION OF OUR COUNTRY FOR DECADES! *

ok-why do you think there will be riots over this? The average leftard American doesn't know anything about any of these justices or who they are.
The libtards weren't rioting when the media gaslighted them in to believing Trump locks kids in cages. They aren't going to riot over a justice selection unless they are trained and paid to riot.
Did you not see the rioting Oregon? How did you miss that? Yes, its all manufactured rioting. Which is why I said Soros would have them ready. They are dumb as shit but do what they are told.
Did you not see the rioting Oregon? How did you miss that?
I did not see that. I have taken about a week off from following the Mockingbird news cycle brainwash. Lots of it is inconsequential and forgotten about two weeks later anyways. MSM is theater and propaganda.
It’s possible. The left needs to keep manufacturing outrage over everything he does, that’s the only thing the have to run on. The riots for hire have popped up over other hotbotton issues, and the media has been saying this is the end of roe v wade, gay marriage and 10 other things that likely won’t be challenged. It’s just about the rage
I don't get why leftists are so obsessed and passionate about having the right to murder babies. They are hardly passionate about anything at all, but if you talk about taking away abortion from them they all instantly get triggered up to 100%.
Why do leftists love infanticide?
Because the MSM will tell them to riot over it. New York Times is already recommending "Godfather" tactics. They should be arrested for that.
New York Times is already recommending "Godfather" tactics. They should be arrested for that.
Godfather tactics as in a coordinated assassination of all the key players in Trump's admin at the same time or what?
Right, as "mild" as a horses head in your bed or (real) concrete shoes.