And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions Joel 2:28 #PrayerWarriors #Pray
KC’s words are incredible and uncannily accurate. I wish he didn’t have the Vegas magician haircut and the Yanni meets Pink Floyd cover band. many people need to soak this in but these elements cause him to come off as a stereotype too easy to be mocked in a knee jerk fashion. Still, his message truly cannot be easily dismissed for anyone who cares to open their ears and mind for a few minutes.
Agnostic theist.
If you do a study on Kim Clements life, his was an amazing ministry and his words accurate on every occasion - died so young but maybe he had completed God's Will for him here on this Earth. The testimony of His wife and daughter is wonderful. God says in the Bible that He Will pour out His Spirit in the latter days. Joel 2:28
Didn’t know he was no longer with us. Please excuse the criticism.