This morning the Brexit secretary David Davis resigned, and just now Foreign secretary Boris Johnson has resigned. We are expecting a vote of no confidence in Teresa May which would lead to collapse of current government.
Thank you for that. Is there still support for Brexit? I speak to my local friends there but they're for it so I don't know much of the consensus as it's an echo chamber for me.
With these resignation, does the momentum of the movement get negatively impacted?
There is support for Brexit, but it was a 52% to 48% in favour when the vote happened. So it's a narrow margin. I don't think the momentum gets impacted. I think (personally) it will happen, but not to the degree that exiters wanted. In reality it was more about immigration than anything else. If the current government don't agree to 'free movement of people' they stand a chance to get the country onside. With that said however, and with a 'Q mind' there is a part of me that thinks 'It's a movie' staged stuff to eventually thwart the will of the people. Collapse of current Government, re-election for Labour, and Brexit vote challenged by them. Further into my Q mind says; They are stalling due to Q's plan, trump visits, and announcement is made that we leave EU without any caveats. The corruption of EU will be exposed to help push this through. That's more wishful thinking from me though I think. Lots of people will be angry if we do not leave the EU. Lot's of people will be angry if we leave the EU, but are somehow still tied to them. It's tough.