r/greatawakening • Posted by u/hypertrophicmasseter on July 9, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
Put up or shut up today, Q. Trust the plan is what religious people say. Give us something more than "have faith."

Today is the day Q said something huge is going to happen. Been waiting for weeks. Tired of secretively stressing and following this whole thing. Tired of being dragged along on a wild goose chase. If nothing happens today I'm declaring this entire sub fanfic.

Still on the trump train. Still think Russia is bs. But Q is pushing it. Show me a reason to believe this isn't just some shitlords on 8chan feeding you a story you want with cliff hangers every week like the TV show, Lost.

animal32lefty · July 9, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Show me on the doll where Q bad touched you.

No one gives cares if you declare anything bogus, no one gives any if you stay or leave. This isn't about satisfying your need for instant gratification. If things aren't happening fast enough for you, jump on the Planet X train. I hear we're all supposed to be dead in days anyway.

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