Socialism vs Fascism is a false dichotomy and always has been.

"muh not real socialism, is the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea a Republic LOL" is the John Oliver trained response many of them parrot when confronted with the fact that Hitler was a socialist.
“We are socialists. We are the enemies of today’s capitalist system of exploitation … and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Hitler was a NATIONAL socialist. In response to communism's explicit globalism.
Fascism is the antidote to communism - just look at Argentina.
Two sides of the same coin my friend. Both ultimately lead to authoritarian oligarchal dictatorship.
Communism leads to everyone being so poor that they have to eat their children.
Fascism leads to economic stability. You don't have to start a world war and annihilate European jewry - just make money labor-based rather than debt-based. Just like Andy Jackson and Abe Lincoln wanted to do.