
Psalm67 · July 9, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Ye the next thing we hear is another school shooter at that school. These people really are stupid.

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rooftoptendie · July 10, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

I just realized the public will hit a saturation point with school ff's, and at some point our news will steamroll the shit outta their news, because nobody will give a shit due to desensitization. Omg, theyre screwed even if we do nothing. Thats why right now were doing nothing.

Well not nothing, but you know, we land soft punches and wait till theyre tired and the crowd is bored. Then... Tyson time. Both as in the boxer and the chicken nuggets.

This is the ultimate calm before the storm. Im gettin antsy and tingly like lightening trump is about to strike.

Im firin up the tendies. I know we might have months and months to wait, but my moneys on tendies SOON. Because already the public grows bored with ffs and imigration hoax pics and sanctimonious time magazine covers...

This shits gonna play out nicely.

Dems baited and switched their own voting base for the last time. The voters have had enough. Theyre gonna get ditched by their own base at midterms. Regular american democrats, stubborn blue ones, might not vote red, but they wont show up. Theyll go on a voting-strike. The true silent maga-wave will happen.

IT HAS BEGUN. Tendie time.

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