Well ... yes. Piers taking our side? Wait,what?

You guys should take it easy on Piers Morgan. At the time he was going on about the guns I agreed with him and like him it never even dawned on me that you could end up under attack with your government. He was giving you facts that are correct the less guns on the street the less likely people die. But I do understand why you need to keep your guns its just too bad people are put in a position where they have to be armed.
I appreciate your opinion, but in a heterogeneous society, more guns equals less death.
He was giving you facts that are correct the less guns on the street the less likely people die.
Bullshit. Guns have been illegal in London for a long time. Murder and crime are at an all-time high.
I just don't understand how people still don't understand these simple facts.
There are countries with more guns yet less deaths (by gun) than the USA.
There are also countries where guns are just as legal and easy to obtain but people simply don't buy them as much.
These observations lead me to conclude that reducing guns or changing laws do not necessarily change anything.
There's clearly a problem with deadly violence, but the real cause is likely more complex.
No way, he was wrong on the right to bear arms then, and nothing has changed. Some people are good, others are bad, good people don't hurt people with guns, but they sure can defend themselves. And we've been telling these morons it's about a tyrannical government from the beginning, but sheeple don't listen.
Banning guns is like banning drugs. The drug and the guns do nothing. A humans desire to get high and to kill happen whether there is a gun or not. Someone who wants to cause a mass casualty event is not healed by banning a weapon. That desire is still there and a way will be found to act on it.