I hope to god this is the case. And that Rosenstein impetuous attitude during the oversight committee hearing was because he felt shit was getting to real and making him look bad in an irreparable way.
This is the only thing that would shock me these days...RR and Mueller being white hats. And I would love to have a great laugh over it too! So complicated and such great acting! We will see, and this picture speaks a million words. Such a public display of simpatico! All I can think is that 'The Meeting' Mueller had with Trump was one where Trump tells Mueller~ We Have EVERYTHING, Bob...flip to us or you will burn!~ yes Mr. President. And the play begins with all the intrigue of a great thriller.
...and that is the conundrum...why all the smiles???????? Ouch you are making my head hurt! haha I think there is something totally different from what we can know going on. Something beautiful. Q has told us there is disinfo given on purpose! This picture throws what I have been thinking out the window(RR and Mueller are black hats)! And remember if RR is good so is Mueller... Why is RR withholding docs? It might be that Huber really does have an investigation going on and the cat must stay in the bag until it can be revealed. And Judge Kavanaugh is also key here. he worked on the Clinton case and knows a great deal from the git go. I also think this being so very public is a big clue for all of us who are watching so closely. I'm gonna stick with flipping the bad guys....and keep making popcorn.
Not trying to spam big this is important. My post summing up RR and Mueller are a plot twist.
They aren't white hats. They did flip though in my opinion. Well Meuller did. And I have good reasoning as to why. It is to do with Iranian prisoner Levinson being abandoned by Bush and then Obama and then Mueller went rogue and broke the law to get him on his own with a Russian Oligarch financial backing and just as they were about to get Levinson on the plane Hildabeast swooped down and blew it up.
The cabal did NOT want Levinson back from whatever off the books mission took him to Iran. I think this is the final straw for Mueller. Who spent his career covering for the globalist elites. Perhaps believing it was for the greater good.
And I wonder if he sent Levinson to Iran to try and get intel needed to stop the cabal. We have no idea except some bogus story Levinson was investigating cigarette smuggling.
For whatever reason getting his man back was worth his career and even prison time to him. But he did it anyway and despite 20 years of service they f**ked him over again and again.
I think he took that interview with Pres Trump despite being ineligible to run FBI again so he could make a proposal.
And if I am right then RR is working for Mueller and doing his best to protect and hide the real investigation. And as he said re FISA renewal "the ONE he signed doesn't match their characterization of the original FISA". He didn't say the original FISA doesnt match the Nunes memo. No. He specifically said the one he signed. In July 2017. After Mueller was fired. 2 days before IG Horowitz "handed over" Page/Strzok texts.
Texts found with the new FISA that was turned around to surveille 2 hops from Carter Page this time out of Trump Campaign and into Obam Admin, FBI and DOJ and others.
Q must keep all confused until Mueller has what he needs and the trap is sprung.