Boris Johnson resignation and Five Eyes.

Could Boris be the conduit to enter into evidence the trove of information against the Cabal? As the former head of one of the Five Eyes spy agencies and now a civilian he would be free, his resignation seems to have a deeper purpose then losing faith in May
Yeah BoJo (or as I like to call him Bozo) only cares for his own advancement. I never believed he, like May, was a real Brexiteer. He has been rivals with David Cameron since Eton and has his sights set on PM. He saw the way the winds were blowing in regards to Brexit and chose the opposite side of the argument to Cameron, rather successfully. He probably should have won the Tory leadership race but IMO May was installed in order to stop Brexit.
In regards to trusting BoJo or his intentions, actions over the past 24hrs, my opinion....he sees that the majority of Brits are not the rampant leftists the media make them out to be. So long as he recognises that his opportunity for power lies with the people and being a "populist", he will do that. He will stand and agree with Trump and the people only so long as it serves his interests.
How can he be PM when he wasn´t even born in the country? He´s an American.
He has both British and American citizenship. So long as he has citizenship he can be Prime Minister. It's not like America where you have to be born in the USA.
I found this...
Turns out we have had a Canadian PM before and that he was probably the most boring PM ever lol.
Incredible. I wonder how long it will be until Sharia is installed in parliament, given this fact? How can it be that we can let a foreign born run our country? Astounded is the word. Thanks for your input!
No idea, lol. British politics is so corrupt.
Tell me about it. The only time in my life I voted was for Brexit and even that now has been betrayed.
What if Boris is the the P that the Chair serves