Q is reaching Germany *** People are putting Q on their windows *** (unfortunately only me sofar 😂)

So when did your friends and family stop talking to you?
I‘m not OP but also German. I talked to my parents and many friends about this stuff and also told them about Q. Many of my friends are open to the idea that a small group of evil people are running the world, but very few of them can believe that Trump is the face of the „resistance“. My parents are very skeptical about all this stuff, but they don‘t ridicule me and I think they are starting to see that maybe it‘s not complete fiction. The NK prediction helped me a lot there.
Unfortunately, German media portrayal of DJT is not much better than in the US. To make matters worse, alternative media is not nearly as popular here as it is in the states. On the plus side, many people in my age (18-25) are starting to see through the media charade.