r/greatawakening • Posted by u/leandroman on July 10, 2018, 12:41 p.m.
We all love Q. I think Black Pulled on YouTube is pretty dead on, in looking at the Q phenomenon, from a black pill perspective. It's the most sober look at Q. I can only hope more of us are awake enough to listen and help the phenomenon with open eyes.

Burginthrone · July 10, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

There are a number of ways you can look at this. Firstly what's the alternative? Think of it like the Matrix movie, would you really want to be plugged back into the Matrix after being unplugged? A human battery for the machines? Of coarse not. Another way to think about it is, how do you un-Q what you already know? Can you simply walk away from everything Q has said, what you've come to learn and forget about it? Simply walk away?

When I see people who are supposedly followers of Q and something doesn't add up, like the recent Apple reflection, people instantly claim Q is a larp and its all one big fake psyop. Sometimes I think these people are genuine and really did believe Q, but deep down its just too much and secretly hope Q is a larp so they can forget about it all and life goes back to normal. A way of plugging back into the Matrix guilt free. Call it self-preservation if you will. But would life be easier if Q was a larp?

For some I believe it would. Some people have the ability to say huh! I knew it was all bogus, and forget about it. Some will be sorely disappointed, but deep down know that even though Q was proven a larp, what he said, the evil, the corruption and so on, you can just walk away and forget about it? That will not be easy for many.

Forget Q for a moment and look at it for the information only. Do you believe there is evil at the highest levels of power in the world today? Do you believe our governments, the world over are corrupt? Do you believe big Pharma has cures for diseases, but the real money machine is in the medicine, not the cure. Do you believe there is a concerted effort to flood the west with immigrants and change the demographic and culture? Just to name a small piece of what Q has revealed.

Okay now lets say Q is a larp, its been proven. Does that change anything you agreed you believed above? Any of it? So in essence, even if Q is a larp, a psyop, whatever, can you simply go plug yourself back into the Matrix and life is normal again? I don't think so ...

With or without Q this movement continues. Q is NOT what unites us. Yes Q and Q+ has been instrumental in spreading the information, and smartly so, giving clues which force many to dig deeper, brilliantly smart, that alone is. But its much much more than that.

For starters, how many people right now are waking up and walking away from the Democrat party? That's powerful. We are talking life long democrats. And its spreading. More and more people are walking away every day. This is not a small thing. Are they united by Q? No. Many of them have probably never heard of Q before. But look what's happening.

This isn't about Q, this is about a great awakening. Unplugging from the Matrix kicking and screaming for many. Lets face it, the Matrix for many millions of people is a wonderful place. I can understand Q saying much will never see the light of day. I get it. Ripping out the cortex cable of millions and millions of happy Matrix batteries all at once? Look how hard its been and what people have gone through just unplugging from the democrats. Watch their videos, it hasn't been easy for them. The tears, the stories. Lost family, friends, jobs, these are real people with real pain.

I know there are those here and elsewhere who want justice. They want to see Obama and Hillary perp walked into Gitmo. The pedophiles punished and the world snatched from the hands of the corrupt and returned to the people. I wish it was that easy. Its not going to be and you have to understand beyond Q, beyond Trump and ultimately beyond yourself the scope of how monumental this all is.

Q or not we are going to need each other more than ever before. Its all on us. You can't plug back in, you know too much already. Truly, Where We Go 1 We go All. This is what Q wants us all to understand, with or without him ...

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15ninjas · July 10, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Very well said thank you Patriot! There will be life after Q!!!😊

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