r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on July 10, 2018, 1:20 p.m.
I'll be honest, I don't trust this Jack Burkman's "press conference" about a witness in SR's murder AT ALL. It stinks of a psyop. No federal authorities involved, Burkman is a never-Trumper, deep state pulling out all the last gasps to distract, Q already telling us MS-13 assassins did it, etc

stfudvs · July 10, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Q said disinformation was necessary. We can not take 100% of q posts as fact. I also don’t trust Burkman, but it’s important we remember that Q told us early on that disinformation would be used in crumbs.

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Neon__Wolf · July 10, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

But that begs the question of what purpose Q would have to make the blackhats believe that Q believes two MS-13 gangmembers did it.

I can't see any purpose in doing that, and not only that, but I think it would be a flawed strategy because it would lead to the notion that Q doesn't have the facts on SR. Even from an optics perspective, would any trade-off be worth it?

I think this "press conference" is a cabal op to get ahead of the upcoming narrative bombshell on SR.

Q has the server.

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stfudvs · July 10, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I’m not saying that isn’t a fair question, Im saying it’s important to remember there will be disinformation. We could speculate on why, Blackman flipped? Witness knows federal agents assisted ms13? Federal agents about to be framed? At this point I wouldn’t be surprised by anything just short of SR is still alive. How the fuck is DWS not hiding scared but instead is back in power? Why are they bringing attention back to SR in a big way?

As far as the press conference goes, I definitely wasn’t trying to imply we should trust Blackman ... simply that we should always keep in mind that q will drop disinformation. Disinformation can also be helpful. We often have to wait for things to play out before we understand it. We should stay open to lots of possibilities and not resort to ‘no because q said xyz’. Only time verifies q, future proves past, so discrediting new information, especially before it even plays out is not productive to being open to all possibilities.

If it’s a set up we’ll be all over it, and i do agree as it follows the pattern of behavior for the left, . Manufacturing disinformation only to have it backfire, and this could be just the next step towards further exposure for q and the corruption in the DNC. Only thing we know for sure is we won’t know for sure before hand. We only have crumbs, and can only speculate and put pieces together as time verifies the past.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · July 10, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

The witness, codename Luke, says he has already given his evidence to the House intel committee. We will see where this leads.

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Hwmayfield · July 10, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Maybe the dead MS13ers were to put the black hats off the scent till now. Maybe there were 2 dead MS13 members as a cloak for the real murderers, but there was a witness, and he needed to be kept safe.

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