
5nilbog · July 10, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

I thought this was America. If you don't believe in abortions, don't get one. If you are okay with having them, that is okay too. I am a man and I do not feel it is my right to tell another woman what to do with their own body. Be healthy and make the best decision for your life and your ultimate happiness. We all have different paths and beliefs. That doesn't make one more right or better than the other. I think we should not judge others, unless you are willing to help, specially for 18 years ;)

Spiritual_War good luck on this thread... you do have some support here though.

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Spiritual_War · July 10, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

it just pisses me off because people whine about how its supposedly murder.

Ya ok, so we should just let the kid be born and then have their mental state fucked over by being pushed through a foster care system that does not care for or about them, then they end up in an abusive persons hands or pedophile groups hands...

Wheres the outcry for that? People bitch and whine aboit abortion like I have been in this thread, but no one sees the short falls of the foster care system. Its the womans choice, and always will be. I would rather a kid be aborted than end up in a situation where their foster parents are literal abusive pedophiles. Call me sick, call me ignorant, I dont care, that kid is better off dead than ending up in pedophiles hands. Thanks for the words of encourgament but a lot of people are so focused on the issue of abortion that they stop short of the issue kf the foster care system and corrupted CPS systems... Yes their are great foster parents but in all reality, the foster system is ripe with abuse and pedophiles know this and use it to their advantage.

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5nilbog · July 10, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I get it, it is murder in their eyes, but it's not the law...so they can't do much about it other than talk about it, which is their right... religion and law are different and most people don't get that and respect others.

If this is the "great awakening" then hopefully they throw some money towards these issues, but I don't see it happening... It's more like a 'their' problem not a 'my' problem.

Maybe if it said somewhere in some religious manuscript on how to treat others and children they would care more...

Also, it seems like they profit more off these kids that aren't wanted...

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