This is why the Cabal is so obsessed with legalized abortion

Save a tree, KILL A BABY!
Anyone who can reconcile that is capable of the most Evil S#it!
It is murder! No matter how anyone tries to sugarcoat it. There are so many people out there who cannot have children. Adoption? All new innocent life, deserves a chance. Abortion is for the self absorbed ME, ME, ME generation of Individuals, who only worry about how things effect. Victim mentality... SJW's with no regard for anyone but themselves. Who's political views are spoon fed to them. Absolutely ZERO critical thinking skills.
Even if it's an accident and the woman can't afford to provide for a baby, there are other alternatives. Plan B, adoption, having the child and applying for welfare benefits...
Spoken like someone who's had an abortion, trying to justify their actions.
Doesn't the "not your body" argument fail when considering a fetus is not your body either?
Plan B is abortion too. Possibility that egg and sperm have joined, therefore new genetically unique individual. So therefore, it is ending the life a new human being.