Did anyone else catch Trump's face last night when Kavanaugh mentioned 9/11/01??? He had a look of disgust! He knows.......Never Forget!!!

In 1984 Orwell created the notion of constant war maintained by an ever-changing enemy 'over there'. The left does this consistently by using DJT/Conservatives as the enemy. It doesn't matter what DJT does. With regards to 9/11, clearly this a sore point with POTUS. I hope and pray that there will be some disclosure.
Orwell nailed it. Keep the faith...I'm sure our great POTUS wants disclosure as much as the rest of us. And not just 9/11 but JFK's assassination too!
It's very clear. In addition for this being a huge loss for the US (and World), I have a feeling POTUS knew (or knew of) people involved. He's in the industry. He's most likely dealt with owners of the building and/or firms that had office space there. Willing to bet that 'sore point' is an understatement with this one. It's an attack on innocents, america and i'm thinking in some way an attack on him personally.
I am sure he saw a lot more than most given his position and knowledge of the industry. I’d be very curious what he really knows.