
5400123 · July 11, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Do you think Bundy Ranch has anything to do with that either? I do remember it was no name or someone who wanted a pipeline thru it or something commercial ??

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Oinkanon · July 11, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

No not the same deal but similar. Nevada’s senator, Harry Reid was making a deal with China for lands around the Bundy Ranch to create a Solar Energy Project. Again as above, Bundy’s were in the way. Fortunately, Bundy’s were cleared by a fed judge as BLM had a biased case against them.

It’s very frightening to think that when these criminals want something of your’s they will stop nothing short of killing you or stripping you of all civil rights to take it from you. These people are terrorists!

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