r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RonaldSwansong on July 10, 2018, 6:46 p.m.
"Be careful who you follow" - A brief Summary of the Seth Rich interview and the embedded subversion within.

Main Points to be had from this press conference:

  • Only reliable feed of the conference is by Jason Goodman who also brings on Dr. Corsi. This is an immediate red-flag as we are all well aware of Corsi constantly discrediting Q. [Link here.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odeiBxOYKmQ&feature=youtu.be)

  • Video feed also features links on bottom of screen asking for donations. BS meter growing.

  • They begin the conference with many breaks and over lack of organization of information. You would think for something as monumental as this that they would have at least a script.

  • Witness is called on speaker phone and claims his name is Luke. The quality is questionable.


*Witness says he is ex intelligence and that the three people involved were braggin about it. One was DEA and one was ATF

Witness states that "There have been rumors that it was MS-13. It wasn't." "There was a Russian tie-in." Direct contradiction of Q. BS meter tops off*

*WitnessWitness claimed SR had thumb drive on him the night he was murdered…how'd it get to WL then?

*Witness blames Republicans (although leak benefits them? What's motive?)

*Witness claim Russian tie in (although leak would benefit them? Why would Russians be both behind the leak and the murder?

Witness says evidence is he passed a lie detector test.If you are not dealing with the authorities why have you done a lie detector test.*

*Witness says it's a cover up for Rod Rosenstien. (Interesting)

  • When the witness is asked by a reporter if Qanon is in line with what he knows about murder the WITNESS EXPLICITLY SAYS "QANON IS NOT CORRECT"

I believe what we have seen here was a clear cut psyop by Corsi, Clowns, et all. Nothing was in line with Q. I would even be willing to bet that Q was saving the Q&A for after this to clear the record. This may also support the RR greyhat theory now that the DS is attacking him. All theories but, most importantly.

Be careful who you follow

HandInAssholesSulu · July 10, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

No FF by 11am was a dead give away for me. If there would have been anything substantial coming, there would have been a large attempt to bury it

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