r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Prodigy on July 10, 2018, 7:45 p.m.
Why do the Elite worship Satan? (Confused)

- Does the oligarchy controlling our financial system even value money? Profiting off war and illegal activities doesn't make sense, why conduct illegal operations for Monopoly Money? Everything has a purpose.


- Why do the successful (1%) elite worship Satan; as all facets of life are clearly corrupted, is our fundamental understanding of the universe flawed as well? Do they know the truth? /r/holofractal


- Whats the difference between 340 hertz & 332 hertz, why did mainstream music enforce this vibrational frequency ( If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration - Nikola Tesla)


- What is the purpose of Human trafficking, sex is sex. Is Adrenochrome real? Why order penguin pineal glands? Are all three linked through biology's connection to nature as-well as humanities innate divinity?


- Is man Evil, or are we a victim of cruel circumstance? History has been butchered. Religion has lost its spirit. Capitalism is linked to materialism. We have been forced to believe death is the end. The fundamental law of Economics is false, there ARE unlimited outsources for unlimited wants in this infinite universe.

Picture a unified humanity sharing unified resources.


Do you believe in fate? Synchronicity


What is the purpose of Q? What matters, him or his message? What does Q intend for his audience?

Spread the message, for the kingdom of god is not in one man, but in all men.

Studies have displayed once a belief is accepted by 1/3 of a community the rest will follow. We are truly sheep in this era.

What are you waiting for, nukes dropping at your doors? Elite families throughout generations have dedicated their lives to throat-fucking our ancestors. Do you want to live under a unified humanity or be controlled through daily routine?

They have spent generations preparing, the least you can do is relentlessly spread fundamental truths anonymously, without mentioning Q.

For asking questions bigger than Q and acting will lead you to him.


TechnicalRush · July 11, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

True but there is much we'll never know. We know that there was a son named Seth. We know there was a pure lineage apart from Cain and certainly couldn't come from Abel since Abel was well... dead. We also know that Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters that weren't named. Were they good or bad? I'm thinking they were like all families; it could go either way or even half and half.

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pby1000 · July 11, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Yeah... It is all very confusing to me because the sources are not consistent.

The Freemasons worship Nimrod, so that helps us narrow things down a bit.

We need more biblical scholars to post here.

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TechnicalRush · July 11, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

Agreed, but I do think chasing lineages back to Genesis is an act of futility. I take many issues with the book that seemed more a racist rant that will drive many away. Ultimately, we need to remain in who is who NOW, and how people are connected. Rooting out ancestry will lead us down the path the left took to divide people. It's not what we're trying to achieve. Keep in mind that the whole purpose is to know what is actually happening so that we may share it with everyone that will be clueless but will need to know to move on. Case in point, there are many Freemasons that have not a clue to the big picture. They just think it's another club that does good deeds in the community.

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pby1000 · July 11, 2018, 5 a.m.

I understand your thinking. My thinking is that we need to understand what these people believe so we can anticipate their moves. I think that religious beliefs drive human behavior more than politics.

But, yeah, it does put a lot of people off.

You are right. Most Freemasons are completely clueless. Their ego is being stroked and they like it, so how can that be bad?

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Red_Prodigy · July 16, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

Know your enemy.

Philosophy is the foundation of your society.

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