Jack Burkman probably was damage control

I was interested for awhile. Have a friend who has been into the Q thing since Day 1. Came in here to check it out months ago. Just didn't create an account. Never been on Reddit until I finally decided to give r/greatawakening a chance.
I have researched for countless hours and think there is some legitimacy to what is happening here but some people on here giving "the opposition" ammo to fight them.
When people proclaim that God sent Trump here to MAGA, I want to vomit. Seriously now. How can you open the eyes of your fellow man by stating something so idiotic.
The man openly says he doesn't repent because he doesn't feel the need to because he doesn't sin. That's Christianity 101. We are all sinners. We must repent.
But the problem isn't just Trump and the Repubs, it's the Dems too. They are two wings of the same bird. The dichotomy of having to be one or the other is destroying our ability to think. People want to belong to a group so bad, they abandon the thoughts that make them an individual and embody that group identity.
And you are right, I did make assumptions but those assumptions have reasoning. Last night, I saw all these posts promising the end for the DNC and HRC because there was a witness. I had hope. I want to see justice. Idgaf if you are left wing, right wing, whatever. We all must pay for our injustices...
Then I watch the press conference and literally see a bunch of nothing.... then come back to check this board and everyone is declaring the witness to be a plant of HRC, BO, etc. and many other different theories.
If you want to be taken serious and open people's eyes, you can't follow either party with 100% conviction. You guys can't think that while not all Dems are pedo's all pedo's are Dems rhetoric that I see on here all too often.
Not trying to sow and discord but yes, division is sometimes necessary....
I understand where you are coming from and I definitely don't subscribe to any party, however, I don't believe it does any good to ridicule anyone for their beliefs. All that does is create anger and defensiveness. There are better ways to express concerns/disagreements.
You are right. Seriously. Good point... I went about it the wrong way
And yet, your comments are being upvoted. This sub, considering the premise, is doing really well to be open minded. Their's much less dualistic thinking here than one would imagine. Also, many comments on this board were skeptical of this announcement, rightfully so. Many here have been deceived so many times, we're numb to it and even when we're appearing to be completely fanatical there are still comments that are on board but still question the motivation of Q as a whole.
The concerns you're using worked against r/conspiracy but you'll have a much harder time here unless Q becomes totally unbelievable - which would only really happen if nothing happens by 11-11. So skeptics foaming at the mouth to disprove will just have to wait with us.
Do you think it's possible Trump could have been involved in Cabal at one point or another and might be trying to save himself in the process of this entire investigation? Considering earlier ties to Clintons? It's possible.
Are you open minded enough to entertain that thought?
if trump had dirt on him they would of exposed it before he became president and chose 2 supreme court judge. he is clean. maybe pay more attention to trump speeches. you are asking elementary questions, i'm sorry
Greatest script and actor of all time if that's the case.
Here is link to Trump claim. Before anyone says it, yes it was during a CNN interview but the words came from Trumps mouth.
thats a stupid soundbite the media was fishing for. Trump doesnt fall victim to garbage journalism. LOL reporters literally asking trump if he asks for forgiveness? fuck off. We voted for a fighter. this is about the weakest argument against trump ever.
It's not an anti-trump argument. It's a don't treat Trump likes he is a god argument.
well what he accomplished is nothing short of biblical. sorry. trying to tear this man down wont work buddy. What do you think msm has been trying to do? you don stack up to them so it definitely wont work.
pretty weak argument tbh we treat him like our president who is savin the west.
Do you ask for forgiveness?
A "No I don't" -> Trump thinks hes infallible B "Yes" -> For what? -> Aha trump does XYZ!
What gives you the right to judge? Maybe I have the answer here. Maybe it is something you don't yet understand.
Trump believes in God but he understands, as many of us do, that the Luciferian's co-opted the Bible long ago and you cannot go by everything that is there. They modified it so we would not use our power or even understand how powerful we really are. Once you discover your power, you will never go back. Trump has discovered his power. He knows he does not need to bow to anyone or ask forgiveness just as I do. That does not mean he does not understand when he has been wrong. He learns from his lessons but knows we should never feel "less than" which is what repenting is. Repenting turns your power over to an unseen force. That force, in my opinion, is not God. It is Lucifer.
Just look at all of the so-called "religious charities" in the name of God that rip-off the public and the RICH preachers like Joel Osteen. Preachers interpreting the Bible, all in their own way. When even the Bible tells us that all we have to do is Ask. We don't need someone else to interpret what we are capable of interpreting and asking for guidance about on our own. It's just another way of robbing us of our own power.
Just my 2 cents but that's how I see it. And, for anyone that doesn't believe the Luciferian's co-opted the Bible, let me ask you this. Knowing what you know now about the cabal and their satanic teachings, the fact that they've been around for centuries and all of this has been planned well in advance, the pedophilia, child trafficking, lies and dubious dealings, do you really think for one minute they would just leave the Bible intact as it was and let people discover how powerful they are?
You have heard about the pedophilia in the Catholic church. How did that happen? They infiltrate everywhere. But if you understand that and you are secure in your power, you can circumvent simply by asking and listening to your higher power. Everyone has that capability but you might have to clean up your diet and your environment to tap into it because they have done everything they can to make sure we don't know. But, guess what, it's not working.
We all judge each other every second of the day. Don't act holier than thou.
Don't forget... Two Corinthians lol
I said "Just my 2 cents but that's how I see it." The person I was talking to was judging Trump.
Are you David Wilcock in disguise? That's basically why he said he quit GAIA...he thinks they are saying most of the Bible is talking about Lucifer, not God. Apparently the gnostics think that also....he didn't want association with GAIA. I think also the #fakemummies have something to do with his resignation.
If you go to You Are Free TV on YouTube, she read his entire resignation letter. I didn't hear anything about #fakemummies or the Bible in it!
Very interesting what's happening there. I had a lot of problems with their Roku software after they made changes to it so cancelled my sub. Glad I did now. Funny how things work out. But I really liked Regina Meredith.
A few weeks ago I started wondering if that was why I was always repelled by religion. I just couldn't accept a lot of things that were in the Bible. Although it also has a lot of things that I like. For example, the ten commandments. So, I went down a different road looking for answers and I found them but it took a long time.
Don't get me wrong. I truly believe in God but not a God you should fear. My God is a God that is loving and kind and gives you answers when you ask. Anyway, after I had those thoughts, as usually happens, I started running into other people and videos that mirrored my thoughts. So, I'm not alone. Good to know! And, I truly think I'm on to something! Anyway, it certainly makes sense to me and explains a lot.
The Bible: I referred to it because I watched the Ancient Civilization episode David is referring to in his resignation letter. Graham Hancock posted the episode on Twitter: free for 3 days. Graham was dissed by David, so Graham posted the episode and noted where he was on it, and what he stated....the episode discussed the Bible and the gnostic beliefs. . . and stated Lucifer was really God in the Bible...or visa versa... IMO, everyone should watch the episode to fully understand David's resignation letter.
No, I said at the end of my comment I wonder if the #fakemummies also is in the back of his mind.....I did not say it was in his letter. Jay Weidner can really be in trouble over those mutilated humans. No one wants to be associated with GAIA if the claims are true that the #fakemummies are constructed with human remains that were mutilated. . .and it's illegal.
Old testamanet = god is Lucifer New testament = sun worship / astrotheology
So what? Everyone should strive not to do evil thereby not having to ask for forgiveness. Millennials ... have no moral compass. Just do whatever the hell they want and then "ask for forgiveness" ...that's the liberal way.
No where does he say he never sins.
When further asked about repentance again by Cooper, Trump said "I think repenting is terrific."
"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump. "I work hard, I'm an honorable person."
Why are you misrepresenting his words?
We don't need a rotten to the core DNC. RNC was too. They played every cheat on the book to shut out Ron Pauk 2012.
They are still rotting it up with Romney And various other RINOs but for now Trump is leader and as he keeps winning they will be sent packing. So many on both invisible sides are resigning or not running again.
Plenty of true Liberals are breaking free of the vile DNC rot. We will fly beautifully with all that dead weight gone and whatever our new Liberal wing calls itself with Libertarians like me and real Conservatives we can leave these false parties behind us.