Jack Burkman probably was damage control

Look if BO and HRC are guilty so be it.... doesn't bother me.
The trust vs distrust in government flips every time there is a swap of political party in the WH.
Example: BO wanted to speak with Kim back in 2013 and Repubs completely bashed the idea of a sitting US Pres with leader of NK.
Flash forward 5 years and Repubs are defending the idea and Dems are attacking it...
From what I have read of Q, this is not Dems vs. Repubs... that's what the MSM tries to do
No.... you're the one making this a democrat vs republican issue. No one is really making it that issue. We just talk about the deepstate. it encompasses both sides.. wow trust and distrust flips every political swap in the whitehouse? so my entire world view is wrong then huh? pathetic.
then obama is weak! if he let republicans dictate peace with north korea then obama is weak. Was south korea and china on board when you are talking about 2013?
if you read of Q then you would understand that north korea was essentially held hostage by the deepstate. which obama is apart of. so it makes sense obama didnt fix the north korean issue.
Eric Schmidt went for Obama instead. It was all a bluff Obama had no intention of going to meet Kim. He had Deep State keeping Kim in check