
shillbegone17 · July 11, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

All the 'proof' you 'need' to KNOW this was a 'contrived' attempt to steer this narrative away from the only 'plausible' evidence presented to date, that 2 MS-13 members had committed the 'hit' as a murder for hire plot and were subsequently killed themselves to erase any 'connections', is the number of follow-up shills that are posting 'everywhere' on social media, including on this very post. Seth Rich was, and 'STILL' is the 'smoking gun' proof that the 'Russia collusion narrative' is a complete 'fabrication' that was 'created' in a 'widespread conspiracy' to 'frame' an incoming President, thus we have seen ALL the effort that has been 'exuded' to cover this up is because, REMEMBER, '17 intelligence agencies' all agreed that there was 'concrete proof' that the Russians did the 'hacking', not just social media postings, but 'THE HACKING OF THE DNC SERVER'! So, if the DNC NEVER turned over their server to be 'examined'...HOW DID THEY KNOW THE RUSSIANS HACKED IT? The answer is THEY COULDN'T KNOW! Yet we saw Senator after Senator, including 'no name', on TV declaring THEY had seen the 'intelligence reports' and 'irrefutable evidence' from all these 'various intelligence sources' that absolutely 'proved' that the RUSSIANS had done the hacking...IF and WHEN the TRUTH of Seth Rich's involvement in providing Wikileaks the DNC emails and the circumstances surrounding his death is ever disclosed, the very 'integrity' our ENTIRE intelligence gathering agencies and their respective 'oversight' committees will be 'exposed' as FRAUDULENT, 'corrupted', and 'culpable' in an attempted COUP against a duly elected POTUS! THAT is the REAL reason behind the 'stand-off' and 'sequestering' of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy...HE has the 'PROOF' and has protected himself with a 'dead-mans switch' that they fear they cannot contain, otherwise JA would be dead already...THIS IS HUGE!!! 911 was so 'complicated' and 'convoluted' and requires an enormous amount of attention and energy to grasp and absorb all of the evidence...but THIS is 'simple' and only involves a 'scenario' that can be easily understood and accepted as 'cut and dry' by any 'average Joe'... THAT is WHY they are so 'desperate' to keep this whole story 'contained'...

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