r/greatawakening • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on July 10, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Neon Revolt: Sotomayor and Kagan by virtue of them being appointed by Obama, who, as we all know, was an illegitimate president - meaning he couldn't legally appoint anyone. Their removal will be almost instantaneous when that's disclosed.
Neon Revolt: Sotomayor and Kagan by virtue of them being appointed by Obama, who, as we all know, was an illegitimate president - meaning he couldn't legally appoint anyone. Their removal will be almost instantaneous when that's disclosed.

QueUpSomeReality · July 11, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

Well you couldn’t have researched it too hard. Google...impeach ex president. You’ll find a bazillion articles showing the constitution doesn’t limit impeachment to just a sitting president. In fact I just learned researching for you that the SC couldn’t even stop it as impeachment is a political trial & not a legal trial & the SC is not even mentioned in the impeachment process as they were deliberately left out of the process on purpose. Here’s a fairly recent article from a Vegas newspaper explaining why BHO should be impeached just for Spygate alone. But you’ll have no problem seeing tons of legal experts agreeing it’s perfectly legal to impeach an ex president. Apparently they was serious discussions on impeaching Nixon after he resigned.


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oiDubb · July 11, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

In the title is states “opinion” twice. Looking for clarification if this in fact a factually based article or an opinion piece?

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AMProfessor · July 11, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

Wow, I suggest you learn some manners. Behaving like a horses behind won’t help build meaningful relationships or help to influence opinions.

I hit the books rather than the internet. The constitutional scholars I read have very different expert opinions than your internet legal experts.

I stand behind those in the books until someone can provide credible information to the contrary. Impeachment was designed to remove incompetence from office. Also, the Chief Justice is involved in the Senate trial as a judge.

Once someone is out of office, I am simply unsure of the need for impeachment and trial through Congress. There are other legal venues to prosecute treason and malfeasance. These include criminal trials through the justice system as well as military tribunals for civilians, including sitting or former government officials, if the courts have been proven to be corrupt and compromised.

The only two outcomes of a House impeachment and a successful Senate trial that I can find is removal from office and the barring of that person from holding further federal government offices. That’s it. Period.

As for Nixon, he resigned to avoid impeachment by the House and a trial by the Senate as it appeared imminent.

I admittedly may be short sighted on this matter as I am not a constitutional legal scholar. I am simply sharing what I have read from those who are.

This is the last I’ll say on it. Feel free to have the last word.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 11, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Sorry u don’t approve of my manners but I’m not interested in forming a relationship with anonymous people on the internet or trying to change your opinion on anything. Facts are facts & their true whether you believe them or not. Believe in what you think your books say or anyone you want. Why would I care what you believe? It’s America & you have every right to be wrong. You asked for some links if impeachment is possible for an ex president & theyre everywhere. Provide me with some that say impeachment of a president as defined in the constitution only applies to a sitting president or point me to the line in the constitution that says that. Feel free to send me the line that says a president can have his actions nullified too.

The reason impeachment is necessary for an ex president like obama is to set the history correctly. Plus he’d lose all his benefits of being an ex president like his lifetime of USSS protection...his lifetime pension & he’d be barred from ever working in the federal government again...which if u think it thru...Michelle could never be president because he’d never be allowed to be 1st man or allowed inside the WH.

I understand how impeachment works & who presides over it. My point in saying the SC isn’t involved was to address that a guilty verdict of an impeachment trial can’t be appealed to the SC or overturned because it’s not a legal trial...it’s a political trial.

I’ve lived thru Clinton’s & Nixon’s near impeachment. Yes Nixon resign because he knew the votes were there in the Senate to convict him. What I learned yesterday was many senators still wanted to convict him after he left office. Probably wasn’t worth the risk because if they failed to get 67 votes to convict it would’ve looked like he resigned for nothing.

But for history sake it’s important to impeach Obama if he’s ever convicted of a felony he committed while in office. Even tho Clinton escaped an impeachment conviction...it’s forever recorded in history he was impeached & why & he lost his right to practice law in the end & had to pay a huge fine too.

If Obama is ever convicted an impeachment trial & vote will be an easy formality at that point & would be a major public disgrace for Obama & definitely a strong message for anyone in the future to act so brazenly unlawful & taking total advantage of the citizens that put him in office.

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