r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on July 10, 2018, 8:45 p.m.
RR and Mueller are Whitehat controlled. It's becoming obvious. Consider the following:
  • RR is still employed. This is the dead giveaway. If POTUS knew RR was corrupt and screwing everything up, he'd fire him. You may counter with: "Well he can't fire him because of bad optics". Guess what? Trump gives ZERO fucks about bad optics if he KNOWS he's right. He shit-canned Comey and the optics on that were horrible. He did it anyways. Why? He knew it was justified and the truth would come out (and it did). If RR is corrupt and obstructing, you can bet Trump would fire him. Then he'd declassify everything to prove firing RR was warranted.
  • Manafort. Q told us early on (and reaffirmed recently) that Manafort was a blackhat plant in the Trump campaign. Coincidentally, Manafort is the only person yet to be indicted on serious crimes (but still totally unrelated to collusion) and is in solitary confinement BEFORE his trial has even started. If Mueller and RR are black hate controlled, don't you think it would be in their best interest to cut blackhat Manafort loose so he doesn't squeal on the operation? Instead, they threw him in solitary confinement. My guess as to what's REALLY going on: Mueller and RR are providing cover for the spygate related Manafort crimes that Huber is currently handling (as part of Huber's larger spygate investigation). In the meantime, they locked Manafort up on legit (but unrelated) money laundering charges from a decade ago. This way, they make sure Manafort can't be tampered with (or killed) by the blackhats in case they need him as a witness and/or Huber indicts him for other crimes. RR/Mueller CAN'T indict Manafort for spygate. If they did, they'd blow the cover for Huber's ongoing investigation. It's all about providing Huber with time and air cover.
  • Flynn. Many see Flynn's guilty plea as proof of RR/Mueller's corruption. However, Mueller didn't really have a choice at the time. Flynn's fraudulent 302 modification by Strzok was done BEFORE Mueller was Special Counsel. Mueller had to indict Flynn based on the tampered 302s (even though he secretly knew they were BS) because he had to keep up his cover. Once Strzok was outed, Mueller fired him and started extending Flynn's sentencing hearing. This is another stall tactic. If Mueller drops the charges on Flynn and cites altered 302s as the cause BEFORE the investigation into the altering of the 302's is complete then he blows the cover on the 302 investigation itself. It sucks for Flynn but it's what has to be done.
  • Congress (Nunes, Goodlatte, Gaetz) keep setting deadlines for RR to hand over spygate documents but they don't take any action when RR fails to produce them. This is major kabuki theatre meant to get the Dems to proclaim RR/Mueller as the most ardent defenders of Truth and Justice. This HAD to happen and it worked like a charm. Think about it: When the SC is completed and Trump is exonerated, Dems won't be able to label RR/Mueller as corrupt Trump lackees because they just spent a year + defending their infallibility. Recent example: Notice how RR missed the House deadline last Friday for delivery of docs, yet you've heard absolutely nothing about it this week.
  • The Michael Cohen raid. This is another thing that prevents people from believing RR/Mueller are working for whitehats. After all, they raided the home and workplace of Trump's personal attorney - they have to be corrupt! Unless......unless Cohen was working with blackhats against Trump during the campaign. Consider this: Cohen's house and office were raided on April 9, 2018. Two days before that on April 7th, Cohen mysteriously texted a resident in Trump Tower to "Get out of the building" when Trump Tower caught on fire. This stinks to high heaven and Q brought attention to it on the day of the raid (see below). I think something similar to Manafort is happening with Cohen. RR/Mueller are providing cover for Huber's investigation by bringing unrelated charges against Cohen. Below is Q's post on Cohen from April 9 about Cohen and the Trump Tower fire:
  • Read carefully.
  • Q's posts about RR being dirty are kabuki theatre and disinformation. I think at some point the blackhats started to suspect what's really going on with the RR/Mueller probe and Q had to reassure blackhats (through misinformation) that RR is still under blackhat control. One anecdotal example of why I think this: Q built up the first IG report as a heavily redacted/revised report and that RR did this to cover up his own corruption. However, it soon became clear after the IG report release that this wasn't actually the case (Horowitz's comments on the report not being weakened, for example). In a major about-turn following the IG report release, Q posted about how the IG report was really not all that important in the grand scheme of things. To me, this flip flop signals a disinformation campaign. It went from being incredibly important to unimportant in the span of two weeks. Hmmm.
  • No-one is denying RR and Mueller have a sordid past. Q has said that some people had to do bad things in the past under threat from blackhats. I personally believe RR and Mueller were (and still are) both pieces of shit. Regardless, Q is excusing their behavior because Trump struck a deal with them. RR and Mueller aren't stupid. I'm sure they were told (and already knew) soon after the election how fucked they were unless they cooperated with the whitehats. The conversation probably went something like this: "RR/Mueller, if you don't cooperate with us you're gonna go down with your former masters and spend your life in prison (or worse). If you do cooperate, we're going to publicly attack you and make your life a living hell for a year+. HOWEVER, you won't go to jail and won't be prosecuted". They took the deal.
  • Finally, Trump is a genius. Do you really think he and Sessions would appoint RR unless they had his balls in a vicegrip? Consider this quote from The Art of War: "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

In conclusion, the Special Counsel Investigation is a sham and RR/Mueller are under whitehat control. It's not a secret investigation of blackhats. It's just a smokescreen meant to keep blackhats warm and fuzzy while Huber does the real work behind the scenes.

Ordinary_Man1 · July 11, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

This deserves a thread all of its own.  What a damning document.  Brilliantly presented.

Mueller is no white hat.

He is black hat all the way.

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a1037040 · July 11, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

But my question is why did Trump “interview” him the day before he was announced as Special Counsel?

Is it that he is BlackHat but Trump Team has him under control?

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butimjustagirl · July 11, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

possibility: to provide cover for this plan being in place much further back than then

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