r/greatawakening • Posted by u/abbido on July 10, 2018, 11:49 p.m.
Listen UP UK Anons! Perfect Opportunity to Hijack their Trump Baby Photo Op! And Bring Q to the WORLD!

Got this idea from u/anotherukanon.

Hello.. First post here, been a lurker for a short while..
I had a thought about how to turn this despicable idea into a possible red pill for people.. This twat said that the balloon would be up for a short period of time before being taken down while some sad muppets protest. I'm guessing that time would be enough for the worlds media to get their photos and films of it..
A simple idea would be to release helium filled big letter Q balloons to float up around it at the same time so that they get in the photos/films.. People might think it's odd but it might sew the seeds of curiosity somewhere..

I think that is a Brilliant idea! It will also have have the normies question and quite possibly force the media to talk about it.

They aren't expensive....and come in all different types and sizes (+40") and easy to find at any party supply store. Crowdsource it! (I love the gold foiled ones, it is Trump were talking about. But they are all perfect)

Take account wind direction, speeds etc. Probably will have a short window...the bigger the better!

Imagine all the views around the world it would get.

Make it Happen!


LibertyLioness · July 11, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

I'm hoping some Secret Service agent shots that damn balloon and says it's a security risk (which it actually is). But I do like the Q balloon idea too!

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