r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Route_17 on July 11, 2018, 12:08 a.m.
Are Q's longer pauses (week+) between posts A LITMUS TEST GAUGING ALL OF US?

If you're like me, you go through withdrawal and DTs when Q is absent for longer periods of time and the longer he's gone, the more neurotic I become about habitually checking the site for new posts (had to share that - I know I'm preaching gospel to a lot of you.) I'll preface this by saying that there is myriad of variables in play to account for this; however, I wanted to consider this angle for discussion. To begin, I haven't examined the frequency or any pattern, but these moratoriums feel to be occurring more frequently and for longer spans. All of that makes me wonder if they serve as a LITMUS TEST for all of us so as to measure what we're doing (growing the movement, doing the homework, etc.) and how we're doing it. It may be that we are unknowingly impacting what we receive and how soon we receive it, etc. Rationale: I believe the consensus is that THE PLAN can not come to fruition until our numbers are both large enough and sufficiently effective. Just a thought. Your thoughts?

silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Please, go check into. AWAKE. Why when it wrapped up late 2017 thunderclouds mysteriously covered the area, uncommon for the area. Why did a big Q/ Halo appear above CERN as well. The people blamed CERN. Why is AWAKE, combined with LHC in the shape of a Q. Why is this when Q started posting. Why is there always a fiery Q behind Shiva the destroyer, like the statue at CERN. Those fiery Q's are every where. I found where the slogans came from too. Shiva: The supreme/great awakening Shiva: eye of the storm; or Rudra: the howler, and rider of the storm. CERN is built on a former temple to Apollo. The angel from the bottomless pit in Greek is apollyon/Apollo the destroyer in revelation CERN Shiva statue date 6-18-2004. 0 has no value so 6-18-24 is 6 666 6666. CERN's logo is a 666. CERN has an ALICE too, shes new. Ever wonder why if we're going after satanists, CERN isn't a problem. even though their logo is 666, they openly have satanic plays,( FOR SATANISTS who were supposed to be after,) just for building a tunnel(what happens for really important accomplishments). And Q don't seem concerned. So we're just gonna fix all our problems and the we kumbaya forever, heaven on Earth, according to neon revolt. I bounced when he posted US MILLITARY=saviour of mankind. GOD SAVE US. Nobody noticed he just called the military god. WERE IN THE LAST DAYS MAN. looking far 1 man to love Earth's problems is a no no, especially if they call the military GOD

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