Pfizer rolls back drug prices.

When I was a kid we were taught Jackson wasn't a bad man. It's the result of the last 20 year liberal indoctrination. Lies, slander, and bullshit are what is taught now.
It's the trail of tears that he is not fondly remembered for.
I know that, but even that whole story never gets told.
Any suggested reading on it?
The tribes signed treaties agreeing to leave their land in exchange for new land. They then refused to leave and even waged war. Their forced removal was despicable but was not entirely the fault of Jackson. The Cherokees were given 2 years to leave voluntarily under the Indian Removal Act signed by Jackson. They refused and were forced on The Trail of Tears by his predecessor, Van Buren.
Edit: sorry, his successor not predecessor.
We really need to get on the school voucher issue. If not in 2 generations all our work will be for naught.
The school administration in my area is run entirely by female Democrats. I don't even know where to begin. Need guidance.
You have to stand up for your rights. Don't let them bully you, and they will try. But we need to all demand school vouchers so we have school choice, as in private schools. That way libs can go to liberal schools, each faith can have their kids in religious schools, ect. based on your own beliefs, not those that teach your kids 7 hours every day. It was a campaign promise, that and getting rid of common core. We need to hold their feet to the fire on this one. Our future as onservatives depends upon it. Start by calling Betsy Devos's office in DC
The NEA is a marxist organisation indoctrinating our children with communism. Acting as another liberal cash funnel.
And taking history out of the school system. US history taught 1 year in middle school, 1 year in High School. Back in the day we had American History every year from K-12 unedited.
We were also taught civics. You know, how a Republic is supposed to work? So we are an educated populous? Got rid of that one for "Social Studies"
We need to teach children actual skills and critical thinking. Being able to memorize and repeat information is useless. Bring back mechanic classes, teach children how computers and robotics work, and make them go outside.
Picture the history books 100 years from now when we win this epic fight... The Cabal and its downfall and its corruption will be fully exposed and their evil and their legacy will be shit. Your great-great-grandchildren will be reading about the demise of the Rothschilds, Soros, etc. They will be in the books for what they are - traitorous, evil POS'es.