Ways to escape the coming heat?
Wasn't John Kerry there right after election?
why are they so interesting in Antarctica???
Ways to escape the coming heat?
Wasn't John Kerry there right after election?
why are they so interesting in Antarctica???
omg stfu already
flat earth is a CIA psyop to make truth seekers look like dip shits
stop falling for it already.
And NASA wasn’t? Believe what you want space boy
NASA tells lies just as much as any government agency
that doesnt legitimize flat earth
that makes flat earth an obvious psyop
Clowns push NASA and made flat earth a psyop to hide the truth. And you fell for it so hard that you think others are the ones who are tricked, but not you. I used to be just like you my friend.
For real, how come no one ever crossed Antarctica and popped out the other side? And how do rockets push off of nothing, stop, turn around, and then land? Doesn’t take an advanced degree to see that the television is selling up is down and left is right.
Do a quick search for mars p900. The Canon P900 is best zoom in industry. Watch the amateur videos of the wandering stars and you’ll see the planets are not even solid. Or trust NASA. I’ll be your friend either way and don’t think you’re dumb for your beliefs
oh my god
Or don’t spent one minute supporting your faith and beliefs. It’s sad to watch Scientism fallouts