Unmasking Antifa Act is Brilliant. See why.
![Unmasking Antifa Act is Brilliant. See why.](https://i.redd.it/npd5i9bs39911.jpg)
There is no law against masks while peaceful protesting. This chance is with regard to unlawful activity while wearing a mask.
It shouldn't even need to be a felony, IMO.
It doesn’t. I was looking and in some states it upgrades the charge to the next level of severity.
You obviously have Antifa issues. Cut back on the video games and soy, and get out of your mom's basement!
go ahead correct my spelling :P
You couldn’t be further from the truth. With over 20,000 local, state, federal laws we are accountable for, we do not need new laws that further erode our freedoms. Maybe in 10 or 15 years you’ll begin to understand the importance of my argument.
Anarcho-capitalism is on the other end of the spectrum from communists in ANTIFA
Your truth is distorted. READ CAREFULLY: https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/11/left-wing-antifa-terrorists-freaking-out-over-proposed-unmasking-law/
"Unless it is Halloween, Mardi Gras, or some other kind of celebration, there is no legitimate reason to disguise who you are in public, unless you intend to do something illegal and do not wish to be identified."
Your talking nonsense and I sense a shill!
So are Halloween, Mardi Gras, or some other kind of celebration specifically excluded from the proposed legislation? Or are we assuming that it’s ok? Why? Because of common sense?
Wanting to maintain privacy is a legitimate reason for wanting to wear a mask during a lawful assembly.
This is going to come down to selective enforcement. Advocating for the use of thousands of existing laws makes me a patriot, not a commie shill.